
Thursday, October 15, 2020

Interesting, But Not Thoughtout, Proposal

 The other day Lanny Davis, who was and is an associate of Clinton's, tweeted that should (and when) President Trump wins a second term, blue states should secede from the USA.

Of course, the tenor of his tweets were quite condescending and had a stick a thumb in their eye attitude. Typical of democrats to think their opponents on the political spectrum are some kind of lesser human being. The old adage rings true: those of us on right think the left is wrong, those on the left think the right is evil.

In all honesty, when it comes to the subject of seceding from the USA, the progressives, in my opinion, actually have a better chance of making it happen than if the movement was conservative states wishing to form their own nation.

Here's why: although the right probably has a better argument, since the left has made it abundantly clear by their actions, deeds, and words there will be no compromise, no inch given, the progressives have something working in their favor. There are lots of Constitutional hoops that would have to be navigated to make secession happen. Approval from the residents of that state, Congressional okie-dokey, and a 3/4th approval from the remaining states. These aforementioned points would work against conservatives.