
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pastor Candidate

A couple of months ago our long-time Pastor decided to resign to do some church planting in another state. So our church is looking for a new Pastor, sort of. The associate Pastor has been doing the services ever since the old Pastor departed. Tonight was his candidate night. After the evening services he was given a list of questions drafted by the Deacon's board. As you might expect, most of the questions centered around his pastoring philosophy. After the board questions were finished, the general membership was given an opportunity to ask a few questions. Some of the questions were very good others not so much. There did seem to be just a small bit of concern from one or two people. But I personnaly mark that up as fear of change. The old Paster was well liked and very good at preaching.

The Pastor candidate is a little on the young side and I think that gives a few of the members a moment pause. The two previous Pastors were older by a considrable amount, so I think there is some hesitation from some of the older, long time members.

Even with some of the lingering doubts, I do think that he will be choosen by the congregation to be our new Pastor. He is dynamic, speaks well, and seems to know the Bible well. His focus on the teenagers is a good thing since that is the future of Christianity. To continue to grow the young must be reached.

I will pray about it, but I am pretty sure that I will vote for him to be Pastor.

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