
Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The other day I ran across an article on one of the major search engine home pages that discussed the chilly relationship between Sarah Palin and the sore loser of the Republican primary.  It was fairly one sided, only taking quotes from Murkowski.  I decided to read through some of the comment posted and ran across an interesting one that I thought deserved a response.  Below is a copy of what he posted in the comment section.  Over the next several days, I will post my responses to this guys line items.  I would imagine that no one will actually be reading this, but just in case, if you are troll, please minimize the personal attacks.  If you'd like to discuss these line items as I respond to them, I am more than willing to hear you out, but not if you are going to act like a lot of the liberal trolls out there by attacking me personally.  It doesn't necessarrily offend me, I have thick skin.  But when I go into a battle of wits, I like to know that I am not beating on an unarmed person.

Not sure who the author is since I can't find the article or who posted the comments below and as origianlly posted (did not edit):
You didn't get mad when over 200,000 US Citizens lost their lives because they had no health insurance.
You didn't get mad when we gave people who had more money than they could spend, the filthy rich, over a trillion dollars in tax breaks.
You didn't get mad when lack of oversight and regulations from the Bush Administration caused US Citizens to lose 12 trillion dollars in investments, retirement, and home values.
You didn't get mad when we didn't catch Bin Laden.
You didn't get mad when Bush rang up 10 trillion dollars in combined budget and current account deficits.
you didn't get mad when we let a major US city, New Orleans, drown.
You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President.
You didn't get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to dictate Energy policy and push us to invade Iraq.
You didn't get mad when the Patriot Act got passed.
You didn't get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us.
You didn't get mad when we spent over 800 billion (and counting) on said illegal war.
You didn't get mad when Bush borrowed more money from foreign sources than the previous 42 Presidents combined.
You didn't get mad when over 10 billion dollars in cash just disappeared in Iraq.
You didn't get mad when you found out we were torturing people!!!!
You didn't get mad when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed.
you didn't get mad when Bush embraced trade and outsourcing policies that shipped 6 million American jobs out of the country.
You didn't get mad when the government was illegally wiretapping Americans.
You didn't get mad when as a result of of the reckless BUSH administration massive harm to the country, we migth never be able to recover from this one.

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