
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Bush Isn't the President

It’s been a while since I have posted a “you didn’t get mad” segment.  This post has to do with the 2000 elections and all the hub-bub about how Bush finally defeated Gore.

If you recall, a few weeks ago I posted some comments from a reader off of a Yahoo news post regarding issues between Sarah Palin and Alaska Sen Murkowski (aka; Sore Loser). There was a particular comment posted (titled: you didn’t get mad) and I thought I would respond to each of “line items” in his comment.  And as I have previously posted, if you are a liberal troll and make a comment, please refrain from attacking me personally. It doesn’t bother me all that much, I do have thick skin, but it really doesn’t further the conversation if all you can do is attack me personally and not try to refute my responses.

The comment:
You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President.

My response:
  Another area where you might want to do a little research since you most likely believe that Bush stole the election.  While it is true that Gore won the popular election (most votes nationwide) we don’t live in a straight democracy (thank God!!), but in a republic.  And because of this it is possible that an individual can be elected President without getting the most votes.  Blame how the electoral college “hands out” the delegates.  Winner take all, rather than base on a percentage of votes in each state.  But back on point:  Several studies done after the election found that in the counties that Gore requested a recount, Bush would have won anyway.  Some other studies point to other counties where there were confusing ballots and people might have punched the incorrect tab and those might have made the difference in the election.  It is possible those ballots might have made a difference, but how can someone account for the minds of people unless you speak to each and every person that casted a confused ballot.  Elections are not a raising of the hands, but counting of actual ballots.

When I think about the consequences if Gore had been elected President it really scares the snot out of me.  While it is quite true that President Obama has a very radical vision for our country, Gore might have actually done more harm to our country if he had been elected President.  When you think about Gore and all the Global Warming/Climate Change/Whatever you call it today, and without the subsequent reaction/conservative movement, the changes could have been quite catastrophic. We would be under all kinds of CO2 emission rules, industries would have been destroyed, and the economic growth experienced in the early part of the decade would not have happened.

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