
Monday, December 13, 2010

Health Care Ruled Unconstitutional

Well, it’s about dang time. A federal court in Virginia has finally ruled that a portion of the Obama Care bill is unconstitutional under the commerce clause. Basically, the judge ruled that Congress does not have the authority to mandate the American people purchase something they do not want. Why it has taken this long is beyond me. But I guess the wheels of justice can sometimes rotate a little slowly. There were many who thought this unprecedented power-grab by the democrats was a bridge too far. Mandating that Americans MUST purchase a good or service had never happen in our history. I know that many will point to auto insurance has a mandate but that is a no-starter. You don’t have to drive. You purchase insurance for the privilege to drive.

The unconstitutional aspect of this law has been covered in the past, mostly around the time the bill was being discussed and passed. While the democrats were claiming there was nothing unconstitutional about forcing someone to purchase a good or service. Some, such as Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), claimed that “health care is a right”.  Many others, such as Jim DeMint, were trying to get Congress to see that they were taking Americans down a road that had never been traveling, nor was not meant to be traveled.
Here are some examples:

Glad to see that that there is a judge out there that can see this health care bill needs to be struck down. The only quibble I have is while it was struck down, there was no injunction preventing the provisions of the bill to continue to march forward. It needed to be stopped in its tracks which would allow everyone a moment to catch their breath, and look at this from another angle.

Many will call me a cold-hearted jerk for wanting to see this bill struck down. But I don’t feel that I need to cover someone else’s lifestyle choices. I know there are discrepancies between in the level of health care received between the “rich” and not rich, but this is where life style choices come in for me. People don’t have to choose to have unprotected sex and have kids out of wedlock. They don’t have to choose to do the drugs that give them AIDS and Hep C. They don’t have to choose to live a life of poverty; they can do the work that is necessary to get themselves out of the life. They don’t have to choose a fancy cell phone and awesome car over purchasing health care.

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