
Monday, December 27, 2010

Repeal of DADT (Update)

I covered the topic of repealing the DADT policy in a previous post. In that post I mentioned there might be some trouble with retention due to the policy change. I also expressed my concerns there will be mandatory “sensitive” training that will forced on military members and I was concerned this would be a one way street.

It seems the fall out from the change in policy towards homosexuals serving in the military has claimed its first casualty. The World Net Daily is reporting a Lt Col in the Army Guard is going to resign his command over this change in policy signed by President Obama last week. He “has asked to be relieved of command rather than order his troops to go through pro-homosexual indoctrination…”

Here is part of the letter he sent to his superior officer as posted on the WND website:

I respectfully request to be relieved of Command of XXX Squadron, XXX Cavalry prior to new policy implementation subsequent to the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." My personal religious beliefs and moral convictions do not permit me to treat homosexuality as an acceptable lifestyle, compatible with military service, any more than adultery, illicit drug use, or criminal activity. I believe this lifestyle runs counter to good order and discipline in military units, and I refuse to sacrifice my belief system, protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, in order to fall in line with the command policy that will logically follow.

He also mentions there is concerns there will be retention issues as this policy get implemented, which could impact readiness and national security.

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