
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Decline in Freedom

Interesting article here about the decline freedoms in the world done by the Washington DC-based Freedom House.  The article gives a few examples of locations that are either losing freedoms or never had it in the first place.

“The report classifies countries as free, partly free or not free based on individuals’ ability to exercise political and civil rights, taking into account political systems and other factors like war and crime.”

While I am sure that we still rate as “free” I wonder if any of the events over the past few years gave the members any pause. There are still attempts to reduce our freedom of speech (here, here). The massive health care bill is certainly an affront to our freedoms by making us have to purchase something. Fortunately, it is being whittle away in the courts. While not nearly a rampant as in other countries, voter fraud is poking its nose under the tent (here, here, and here). There are many other examples of how we are losing our freedoms that might make for some good topics for future blog posts.

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