
Monday, January 24, 2011

Dupnik Recall Efforts

Seems some of the voters in Pima Cnty, AZ are a little fed up with Sheriff Dupnik’s. As you will recall Sheriff Dupnik fired one of the salvo’s against the conservative movement when he tried to pin the shootings in Arizona on the Tea Party and the supposed rhetoric.

I think this is a good call. While Sheriffs do run as part of a political machine, they must at all times remain above the political morass. They should not delve too far into politics while holding the office of Sheriff. Sheriff Dupnik not only crossed that line, he completely obliterated the line. Those who hold more traditional/conservative views are not going to feel that a Sheriff with a political agenda is going to treat them fairly. So a recall must happen. But there is a concern that I have. The organization that is sponsoring the recall is decidedly right leaning as they are strongly in favor of immigration control, especially along the Arizona – Mexico border. They might struggle to get the number of signature on the recall petition if the supporters of Dupnik are able to mount a solid anti-recall drive by trying to exploit the political leanings of Americans Against Immigration Amnesty.

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