
Thursday, January 6, 2011

More Dem Job Killing (part 7,436)

Here is interesting little tidbit about the financial reform bill passed last fall.  This little bill was hail as a saver of the poor little ol’ consumer. TigerHawk unearthed a little gem that could very well cost us some jobs at a time when job loss is the last thing we need. But when have the democrats every done anything the majority of the American people want. Oh sure, they’ll save a bait fish in the Sacramento River delta, or some funky grass in Nebraska.

“The economic damage done to American business by the Democrats in the last two years is vast…”

Anyway, back on task. As mentioned, TigerHawk has a nice little read about this job killing portion of the finance reform bill.  Please take a read. You might have to scroll down to the article titled “Regulation watch: The little gem in Dodd-Frank”.

Please remember that eventually, we will have to pay for this. We have to pay taxes so the gov't can pay the wages of the dude or dudette conducting the audits and follow up on the reports. But there will be a hidden tax when the company raises their prices to cover the additional expenses that will be entailed from this red tape.

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