
Sunday, February 6, 2011

AOL Buys "The Huffington Post"

George Soros and his sidekick, Arianna Huffington, have managed to expand their media reach even further. This doesn’t fall in the category of a Soros’ purchase of a media outlet; rather AOL has agreed to buy “The Huffington Post” for $315M. As part of the deal, Ms Huffington will be put in charge of AOL’s new division. AOL head-dude hopes that adding “The Huffington Post” and Ms Huffington will boost a lagging AOL. Read Ms Huffington’s article on the merger here. This merger will include several different sites from both AOL and HuFFPo, but one that I want to point out is the link to HuffPost Divorce. I point this out because neither sites offers a AOL-Marriage or a HuffPost-Marriage site. Leave it to a progressive site to have a section on making divorce easier, (offering advice on how to make a divorce less traumatic can be a good thing), but how about a corresponding site on how to avoid divorce?

This could be really interesting as it gives an already widely read progressive “news” source and even wider audience, perhaps even gaining a lot of traction overseas. Even more interesting is putting Huffington in charge of news content. Do you suppose they will sheath the fangs a bit and give the news a little more balanced coverage, say like not pounding on Palin quite so much or not trying to defend the goings-on at some of the Planned Parenthood clinics that was recently uncovered? I don’t think we should hold our breath.

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