
Monday, February 21, 2011

War Hero Heckled at Columbia University

During a town-hall meeting to discuss Columbia University’s stance on banning ROTC programs on campus, Anthony Maschek was booed and heckled by university students.  Maschek, who was injured in a firefight in Kirkuk, Iraq, was there to speak about the ROTC ban.

Apparently, even though the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy, which was passed during the Clinton Administration, has been overturned by the Obama Administration, there is still some very strong resistance to allowing ROTC on the Columbia campus. Personally I think the school should lose any federal funding if it does not comply with the requirement to allow ROTC on campuses. This law has been ignored for many years, unenforced by federal officials for reason unknown to me. But with the lifting of the ban on gays serving in the military, there is no longer an ‘official’ excuse for these lefty institutions to not allow ROTC on campus. If they continue to ban them, then I say no more tax dollars.

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