
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Seattle School Board to Fire Superintendent

Over at Big Government there is a story about some possible shady dealing between the school superintendent and the unions, which are linked through a health care provider that is the one of the most expensive providers around.

Well it looks like Wisconsin is not the only state to suffer from possible shady dealings at a high level.  Current Seattle Schools Superintendent, Maria Goodloe-Johnson is likely to be fired tonight by the Seattle School board after investigations revealed the misuse of public funds and mismanagement.

The investigations revealed:

A lack of management oversight and accountability allowed potentially fraudulent activity to persist for years without intervention;

Missed opportunities on the part of staff – in varying roles and at varying levels – to keep the school board properly informed;

A workplace culture within some parts of the Seattle Public Schools that caused fear of reprisal among employees who otherwise might report concerns;

Management’s failure to act upon employee concerns that are reported. (Source: Seattle Times)

Based on all that I read about this situation (began about two weeks ago), there are no formal charges of corruption that are to be brought forth. It seems that the school board is happy to hang their hat on the issue of mismanagement and leave it at that.  I would be curious to see if any of those businesses that received money from the Seattle school district are in any way linked to the soon to be fired superintendent. Smoke and fire go together, the last I heard.

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