
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Chris Christie Leading in A Poll

Current New Jersey Governor Chris Christie leads a The Daily Caller/ConservativeHome tracking poll.  Christie has said repeatedly he has no desire to run for President, content to fulfill his commitment to New Jersey voters who swept him into office a couple of years back.

While I really do like his plain spoken manner and have watched several videos on You Tube, I still have serious reservation about him. He is not really what one might call a traditional conservative. He is not a supporter of gun rights in the strictest sense. New Jersey has some of the toughest gun legislation in the nation and he is on record as saying he has no intention of changing those laws. He also was in favor of Obama care, although I hear he has been wavering (waivering?). He is also very much in favor of amnesty for illegal immigrants. He is very much a fiscal conservative, but as mentioned above, he might not be want we want right now

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