
Friday, April 8, 2011

Depoe Bay Vacation, Day Five

Last full day.  Did a little art shopping and then off to the beach.  The boys were finally able to do their reengineering of the creek.  Grandpa supplied the shovels.  Weather was great, actually warm and sunny for a change.

Here are some images from the Forgerty Beach. This beach is a favorite of the boys. We like it too because it is protected from the wind most of the time.  Plus, it is generally uncrowded.  The boys like the creek and they try to divert it when they can.  Water in the creek was a little high so the project was small this time.

Making a Plan

Water just starting to flow in the diversion

Making adjustments

Work is hard

Surf is UP!
Some sunset images taken from the deck of the condo.  It was a nice day!

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