
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

More on the Erik Scott Case

Mike over at Confederate Yankee has another update on the Erik Scott case. Mike has been following this case since Scott was shot and killed by the Las Vegas PD outside a Costco. There are several questionable actions taken by the LVPD during and after the shootings which Mike covers in detail.

He makes it a point to show that the LV media has covered this story very little since the incident occurred other than recent stories about the inquest bill and honors bestowed on two to the officers involved in the shooting.  He is right to call out the media as their job as the fourth estate is to keep the public servants honest. It makes me wonder if there was not something said to the media by LV law enforcement. If this is so, it would be my guess that it was NOT a threat but more likely something along the lines of ‘if you don’t back off, access will severely limited in the future.’ Threats would probably have the effect of causing the media to dig deeper. Limiting access is probably scarier to a reporter than threats of harassment or other actions.

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