
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Obama Weatherization Program Suffers Corruption

President Obama’s energy policies have taken another hit.  Seems that, in one state at least, the program is suffering from corruption.

The Delaware News Journal reported last week that much of the costs for the low-income housing program stemmed from paying contractors to do simple, inexpensive – like insulating attics or sealing gaps – but who instead went the path of replacing furnaces, windows and doors, all at a much greater cost.  Much of the work was authorized by an administrator and a contractor, neither of is still employed with the state program, the newspaper reported. (Source: Fox News)

Many of the repairs intended by the weatherization program would have cost in the hundreds of dollars for each project.  But with the additional work begin accomplished, the payouts were several thousand dollars for each project.  Due to the corruption, Delaware shut down the program as the audit is completed. Only 689 homes got their weatherization jobs finished, while over 6,000 remain on waiting lists.

Not quite sure what to say here. A program was rushed out with little thought other than to supposedly putting people back to work. That is a recipe for troubles.

Your thoughts.

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