
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekend Links

Not much this weekend. I am on vacation.


1. Looks like there might be
 This little battle could prove to be interesting. Washington Governor Chris Gregoire is taking on Seattle’s Mayor Mike McGinn over the Seattle waterfront tunnel. Lots of detail surround this story, so I would advise you click around the links provided at the story to get all the details. Snapshot: Gregoire is going up against McGinn, who opposes the tunnel project, fearing cost overruns will saddle Seattle taxpayers with the additional costs. On thing to file away; Seattle (King County) is the sole reason why Gregoire is the Governor. In 2004 Gregoir beat Dino Rossi by barely 300 votes, all coming from King County and Seattle. How will it turn out for the Governor if she goes against the Seattle Mayor? Could be interesting.recent speech on energy, he mentioned we need to spur energy production within our own sphere of influence, namely right here in the good old USofA by tapping our domestic resources. Now, word comes out of Alaska (actually, it is not surprise) that Prudhoe Bay production levels is a third of the peak in 1988. The current Alaska Governor is even considering lowering or abolishing the taxes on oil companies(put in place by Palin) to spur a return to exploration. Of course, with ANWR closed, most exploration and production is artificially hampered.


1. During President Obama’s
 Have we turned a corner? There have been a few false starts before, but this one might actually be the one. Keep your fingers crossed.
some hard feelings in Microsoft land. Paul Allen has stated that Bill Gates tried to reduce Allen’s role in the new company when Allen was diagnosed with cancer. Allen has written a book about it. Should be interesting if and when Gates ever decides to write his own book.

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