
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wisconsin GOP May Lose Majority in State Supreme Court (Update)

A recount may be necessary to determine the final outcome of the election of a Wisconsin State Supreme Court Justice. As it stand right now, the democrat nominee, JoAnne Kloppenburg, holds a slim 204 vote margin, which should automatically trigger a recount. Kloppenburg election could tip the balance in the state Supreme Court in favor of the democrats when and if the collective bargaining bill comes before the Supreme Court.

Seems that a clerical error may shift the balance to Prosser. In a heavily Repbulican community the votes were counted but not reported. If I have been reading the reports correctly, the recount is already underway and and the vote tally has gone back and forth, with no candidate taking a commanding lead.  But this back and forth did not include the votes involved with the clerical error.  How long until the left starts to sceam?

You would think this would have been a lot easier for the more conservative judge, David Prosser, to get reelected. Recently, the voters in Wisconsin flipped the legislature and the Governorship to the GOP. But the collective bargaining bill has shifted the tide once again. I guess the folks of Wisconsin are actually not ready to do what is necessary to get their state budget in order. Wisconsin is $6B in the hole with little hope of climbing out without some major overhaul of how the bills are paid.

Gov Walker wanted to give the school districts a little more wiggle room by blunting the power of the unions. I think this was a great idea. The public sector unions, which should not even exists, have way too much power over the taxpayers in Wisconsin (and in many states). When you contribute little to your retirement plan and very little to medical, you put an undue burden on the people you supposedly work for; the taxpayers.

When the hard decisions had to be made, the people of Wisconsin just didn't have the cajones to do what was necessary. So rather than bite the bullet and sacrifice a little, they couldn't. And when you boil it down, the sacrifice really wasn't all that tough. Walker wants the public unions to be more in line with others. Most employers require some form of contribution to retirement accounts, and they sure as heck don't pay 94% of the medical plans.

As far as I am concerned, if the folks of Wisconsin turn their backs on Walker and others who are making the hard decisions, they will reap what they sow. If Walker and the GOP are unable to get some concessions from the unions, next will come attempted cuts to entitlements. Will the voters reject this also? I am guessing, given the progressive nature of the state, this too will also be fought against. Next will come higher taxes. If the voters are not willing to sacrifice in one arena (cuts), then they will have to sacrifice in others (higher taxes). This could do some serious damage to Wisconsin attempts to draw businesses to the state, stagnating the economic recovery. The will reap what the sow.

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