
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Unions Front and Center on Obama Care Waivers (Update)

Michelle Malkin has more on the additional Obama Care waivers issue last week. She notes that many of the most recent recipients are unions (no surprise there). This has been a pattern from the word go.


The Daily Caller has a thorough breakdown of the recipients of the most recent waiver approvals.  As noted, unions (Obama supporters) received a sized slice of the pie. Also note is that Nancy Pelosi's district received 20% of the waivers granted.  Anyone thinking Princess Nancy was getting payback for her taking point on the whole health care bill that was shoved down our throats?.


  1. Color me so surprised....Would love to comment on all your posts, but my head cannot handle most of the stuff....There is WAY toooooooo MUCH to keep us on our toes.....
    Watch Israel....That is where it is all leading to anyway.....He that keepeth Israel neither slumbers or sleeps.....and as the mountains are around Jerusalem, God is all around His people. He protects them and watches over them.....HE has an everlasting covenant with them...So, that is probably all we really need to keep an eye on....Then again, we have a ton of stuff here to deal with....
    Thanks for all your posts even tho I don't comment on most of them....
    Good Evening from the great state of that we do have some fiscal conservatives in the house and senate to get rid of the VERY DEMOCRAT BEV in obama's pocket it isn't funny...

  2. Sandy, I just updated the post. Click on the Daily Caller link. Most of what is in the article will not surprise, but it might get you a little peaved.
