
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cracks Appear In Dem-Enviros Alliance

Looks like there may be some tensions in the alliance between democrats and green advocacy groups.  Last month, a meeting took place between several leading individuals that are directly connected to the green agenda and several high ranking democrats in the Senate.  Apparently there is some disagreement between these two groups on how the green folks are going after democrats who don’t follow the party’s green line.

(Sen Harry) Reid and several of his top lieutenants emerged from a meeting Wednesday night (story first published on 18 May) with top green group CEOs pledging to protect the Clean Air Act against further assaults from Republican and even some moderate democrats.

But behind the scenes, the majority leader and the environmentalists don’t all see eye to eye on whether in-cycle democrats deserve to be the target of ad campaigns when they also help make up Reid’s razor-thin majority.

Driving the debate is a League of Women Voters commercial that slammed Sen Claire McCaskill (D-Mo) after she voted last month to freeze the EPA’s rules for two years.

Sierra Club CEO Michael Brune dragged the issue into the public spotlight Wednesday when he posted on Twitter the premise of the green group’s closed-door meeting with the democratic leaders.

“What do u think about holding D’s accountable for votes to gut the CI Air Act/keep oil subsidies?” he tweeted, referring to the EPA vote last month and Tuesday’s roll call on legislation to repeal $21 billion in oil industry tax breaks. (Source: Politico)

These green groups want the democrats to tow the line, their line. Even though it certainly looks like the whole global warming/climate change issue has run its course, these guys still want tougher environmental laws and regulations in place, not to save the world, but to control the world.

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