
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hijacker Case Might Be Solved

If you are a long-time resident of the PACNW then you know who D.B Cooper is.  If you are not a resident or are a youngster, you should know that D.B. Cooper is a legend in our corner of the world.

On 24 Nov 1971 a man called Dan Cooper hijacked a Northwest Orient flight by telling a stewardess that he had a bomb. At Sea-Tac, he released all the passengers, except for the pilots and a stewardess, in exchange for $200,000 and four parachutes. He demanded to be flown to Mexico. Just northeast of Portland, D.B. Cooper lowered the rear staircase over the rugged foothills of the Cascade Mountains, donned a chute, and jumped out into the cold, windy, rainy night, never to be seen again. No body has ever been found, no chute has been found, and with the exception of $20,000 in tattered bills, no money has ever been found.

Although the case has been unsolved for almost 40 years, the FBI has kept the case open and active, although many agents think Cooper died in the wilderness.

Recently there might have been a break that will finally close this case (although skeptics remain). A woman from Oklahoma claims that her uncle may have been the long never captured hijacker.

As someone who grew up in the PACNW, this case has always fascinated me. Although I certainly do not support breaking the law, it sure would be something if Cooper was able to parachute safely from the plane and remained free all these years.

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