
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Will Voter Fraud Be An Issue Next Year?

Earlier this week I posted a short note about the possibility of voter fraud in the upcoming 2012 Presidential elections. In this post, I provided you with a few links that shows how deeply rooted voter fraud has taken place in certain areas of the country. In the center of this has been President Obama’s old employer, ACORN.

Judicial Watch has done a fairly extensive expose on just how deep this problem goes. And as I am they are very concerned that voter fraud could have an impact on the next election cycle. In their article, they focus on voter registration issues that occurred in Colorado in 2009 and 2010.

As a result of this collaboration between ACORN, Project vote and Colorado officials, the number of voters registrations at Colorado public assistance agencies rose from 3,340 in 2007 to almost 44,000 in 2010. (in a February 15, 2011, email to Project Vote, Christi Heppard, Special Projects Coordinator for the Elections Division of the Colorado Department of State, wrote, “…I think you will be pleasantly surprised by the numbers.”)

But here’s the problem. The collaboration also led to a large number of invalid and duplicate voter registrations. A total of 8% of rejected registration forms came from public assistance agencies in Colorado in 2009-2010. This is more than four times the national average of 1.9% for that same period.

Here’s another deeply disturbing twist in this story. While Colorado officials took measures to satisfy the demands of Project Vote related to the registrations of public assistance recipients, (democrat Secretary of State for Colorado, 2009-2011) Buescher sought a waiver from the Obama administration that would have allowed a delay in sending out ballots in time for the military to vote in the last election. The Department of Defense rejected the request. (Source: Judicial Watch)

Judicial Watch has promised they are going to do whatever they can to stay on top of this ongoing story. PACNW Righty will also provide you with as much information as I can as the 2012 election cycle approaches.

I know that they Progressive will do anything in their power to overtake the will of the people. While they will use the election process to get their candidates in office, whether it is done above board concerns them little.

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