
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Right-to_Work Might Pass in Michigan

This little piece of news is going to get the unions in a lather. It is looking like the Michigan state Legislature is going to pass a law that would eliminate the requirement for teachers to join a union.

Chances look good for passage and enactment of legislation to provide right-to-work status for Michigan public school teachers. Under the measure, called the “Freedom to Teach Act.” Teachers would no longer be required to join or support a union as a condition of employment. (Source: Michigan Capitol Confidential)

And it would not surprise me if the National Labor Relations Board doesn’t try to get in on the act. Their non-support of right-to-work has been well documented by this blog.

An interesting point made in the article is that upwards of 40 percent of unionized teachers might opt-out if given the choice. I know there are many teachers who do not support causes supported by the unions, specifically union’s support to progressive and liberal candidates. When a person is forced to join a union, they have little to no say in how their union dues are spent, especially regarding the candidates supported by a union, which is almost always a democrat.

Sure would be nice to see right-to-work gain some momentum in other states.

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