
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Union on Union Action (UPDATE)

See Update below the fold

Do we have the first incident of violence from the unions in response to Hoffa SOB comment? Longshoremen in Longview, WA (Just down the road from PACNW Righty) stormed a grain loading facility, taking security guards hostage, damaging railcars and other equipment, and threatening law enforcement officers with baseball bats.

OK, we have had many incidents of violence from union thugs, so it is quite possible we can’t lay the blame at Hoffa’s doorstep. But the timing does seem a bit odd. What I find even stranger, was these union protesters were protesting against other unions. Yes, you heard that right, the Longshoremen were taking out their rage against another union.

Despite a restraining order against the union, brought about by threats vocalized last week, the Longshoremen still were able to bring port operations to a halt.

Furthermore, Longshoremen actions have basically brought port operations to a halt in both Portland and the Puget Sound region.

I'd like to point out something here. These Longshoremen are acting if those jobs belong to them and the union. They are saying that it is their right to work at the port.. But it appears that the shipping company and the Port of Longview feel differently. As long as union members feel they work for the union and not the company that hired them, these troubles will persist. The jobs belong to the company that is providing them, not to the individual and to the unions.


It appears that the Longshoremen have had a recent history of violence towards the Port of Longview and the union workers hired to run the facility.
The protesters have interrupted shipping in the port by interfering with incoming trains.
According to a complaint filed by the local National Labor Relations Board the protesters also:
…torn down a gate, trespassed on to EGT property, pushed railcars out of a shed and climbed on them. The protesters physically and verbally abused employees at the site, according to the complaint.
Federal officials allege that a couple of weeks later, on July 25, protesters spit on vehicles of General construction workers and threatened them with death. Protesters also were involved with placing plastic bags filled with feces outside an administration building, according to the complaint
That same day, protesters assaulted a shop steward from Operating Engineers International Union, Local 701, which is now handling the work at the terminal, the document says. (Source: The Olympian)
So I wonder which one of these unions President Obama is going to side with. Is he going to side with the union that was awarded the contract to staff the port facility, most likely at a cheaper rate than the local Longshoremen unions would provide? Or is he going to side with the union that is using thuggish and terrorist tactics?

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