
Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Notre Dame Snowflakes

Maybe my fellow Facebook travelers and blog readers have seen or heard about the few dozen students who walked out of the Notre Dame graduation ceremony last week as VP Mike Pence was about to deliver the commencement address. Just thought I'd drop a few lines of my thoughts.

One of the Facebook groups I follow is called the deplorables. Someone was able to capture a post some leftist apologist posted on their feed. Below is what she wrote:

You might not be a snowflake (disagree completely) or sheeple (sheep are dumb) but you certainly are inconsiderate jerks. You went out of your way to ruin a once in a lifetime event for over 3,000 of your fellow students. Not to mention the several thousand parents who have gone deeply into debt paying for their child's education. If you are truly for the people maybe you should have thought about these folks before you went on your little tantrum and decided to make yourselves the center of attention. You made it all about you instead of sharing this momentous occasion with your classmates.

You will be remembered, but not with fondness. That should have been obvious to you when you were booed with gusto as you departed.

I'm not one of those who think Notre Dame should deny you your diploma. A moment of utter stupidity shouldn't mar the rest of your life. Heck, your mommy and daddy do eventually want their $200,000 back. I think you'll be in for a surprise when the time comes for your search for jobs. Not that your degree in early 18th century French literature was going to get you very much.

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