
Thursday, February 20, 2020

Women's World Cup

This post is probably a little late in coming, and can be filed under old news, but I'm cleaning out some old bits and tidbits and thought I'd throw this up here. As you read this please remember, this just an opinion, nothing more.

They didn't move their agenda forward one inch. Those that supported her stance prior, continue to do so. Those that did not support, still don't. I would argue that she might have even done harm. For those who might have been on the fence, or like me, ambivalent, her foul language, in your face attitude, and utter disrespect for those without the same world view might have pushed them in a direction she didn't expect. Speaking strictly for myself, mind you.

What she needs to understand is on the issue near and dearest to her heart there are three kinds of attitudes; 1) complete and full support, 2) utter disgust, and 3) ambivalence or live and let live. She has the full support of those in group 1, and nothing will change that support. She will never get the support of this in group 2, and nothing will change that attitude. She needs to focus on group 3. Here is were Rapone and her teammates go wrong. The scorn displayed towards those in group 2. It kind of goes back to the adage, those on right think the left is wrong; those on the left think the right is evil. Those of us in group 3 view group 2 as wrong. We either work to change their attitudes through reason and logic. Or we completely ignore them, not worthy of the time nor effort. But generally not the hatred displayed by rapone and her teammates. And that is where they lose us in group 3. Changing the adage around a bit, group 3 thinks those in group 2 are wrong. Group 1 think those in group 2 are evil And deserve hated and scorn. And to top it off, they bundle those of us in group 3 into group 2 just because we don't kowtow to their agenda.

And before you think those in group 2 are knuckle dragging conservatives I happen to know a few folks who suffer from acute symptoms of TDS and are completely appalled by the behavior, "lifestyles" , and attitudes of many on women's soccer team.

I do think there are other agendas at play here. Oh sure, Rapone says all the right things and buzz words. She sure acts like she is the wokest person in crowd, maybe even a stadium full of people. But is there an ulterior motive at work? Other than soccer fans, who had ever heard of Megan Capone before she went on her little woke rampage during the World Cup? Pretty much no one. Did her agent put a bug in her ear?

Agent (A): Megan. How much do you make from you soccer endeavors? Including sponsorships?

Megan (RP): Maybe $200,000 a year. On a good year.

A: How'd you like to bump that up by a factor of ten?

RP: I'm listening.

A: Here's what you do. Get several of the other ladies on your team...

RP: What about Jaelene Hinkle?

A: Who?????I

RP: She's a devout Christian

A: Oh, you'll have to get her kicked off the team. Better yet, not selected. Can't have differing points of view for what I have in mind.

RP: So just what is it that you have in mind?

A: Do you remember when Clinton...

RP: My girl!!!!

A: Yeah, yeah, sure, sure. Remember when Clinton called Trump supporters a basket of deplorables?

RP: Oh yeah, I was pumped.

A: Well, why don't you go down that same path? Maybe not as stupidly as how Clinton went about it, but show your dislike for one half of the country. Don't call them deplorables though, that's a little too strong and only losers use that term. But bigots and homophobes! That'll get their blood boiling. Make sure you let these folks know you don't like them. Alienate them even. And the press will celebrate everything you say. Even stupid stuff.

RP: Like what?

A: Oh, I'm sure you'll think of something

RP: I can do that easy-peasy. But to what end?

A: Millions, I'm telling you millions. Book deals, guest appearances, ad campaigns from so-called woke corporations. These guys will sell out their mothers if they can get access to the woke clubhouse.

RP: OK, I'm in!!!!

A: One more thing

RP: Yeah?

A: Announce you won't go to the White House if you guys win the World Cup....  Millions...

RP: ....Millions

Now I'm sure she believes everything she says. And quite possibly believes half the country really are bigots. My point here is that for her to become so outspoken as such a critical juncture in the growth women's soccer, it feels like there is some other undercurrent that drove all of this.

Professional soccer is a niche sport In this country. I say that as a long time player and fan. It is a growing niche, but the fan base remains small, fussy, and apt to bandwagon. And this is doubly so with women's soccer. The audience and ratings for the women's World Cup were good. Certainly not because of Rapone, her teammates, and their antics. But because they were winning. "Americans love a winner", said Gen George Patton. And never is this more true than with soccer, and ESPECIALLY women's soccer. Viewership surges during World Cup events, for both men and women. But the surge doesn't seem to translate into large scale fandom over the long term. The downward trend is even more noticeable for the ladies. Most men's professional teams seem to draw fans. Not so much for the women.

I make this point to bolster my opinion that I think something else was going on with Rapone and her teammates. Did she (and they) really want to push away a significant portion of the population? Did they really believe by saying those awful things and their behavior would attract new fans? Or do they they fundamentally understand that women's soccer will never be more than a small slice of a niche sports, and they thought this might be their only opportunity to cash in?

Just food for thought and one person's opinion.

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