
Thursday, June 4, 2020

Random Thoughts

A lot of stuff has been happening over the last several months. To say 2020 has been a dozey would be an understatement.

Jobs lost

Businesses shuttered

100,000+ lives lost to a virus

Downtown areas destroyed and looted

Lives unjustly taken, whether by a cop or by rioters

This post is going to be random thoughts and stuff I've posted on social media.

The following was a snarky response of mine to someone who mentioned how folks look at our Bill of Rights and spout off about them when convenient.

Melanie, So true. It was really amazing to see former anti 2nd Amendment folks suddenly feeling the need to purchase a weapon for home protection, only to find out how the "common sense" gun laws they insist be passed were now interfering with their ability to purchase a gun of their choice.

Next is a comment I made regarding how police in some localities were being quite forceful when dealing with protesters, especially those causing damage.

While I freely admit to not keep up to the minute updates on the goings on with respect to all that has gone on since George Floyd's murder, I haven't seen police violently disperse PEACEFUL protests. Last night a very large group of protesters shut down the Burnside Bridge in Portland. After disrupting traffic for several hours, they were told to go home, which they did, grudgingly, peacefully.

However, in nearly all the incidents I've seen where more forceful means we're used, they was an element of violence going on with in the protest group. Let's call them looters and rioters. Let's not conflate the two.

I know a lot of folks, when forceful methods are discussed, will point to the DC church and Trump. While I am a supporter of Trump, I'm not an apologist. My initial take on take on that event was to shake my head and wonder if somebody overstepped. But once one digs a little deeper, one finds out there is a bit more to the story. The church had been attacked the night before, and after asking the crowd to disperse several times, and being refused with belligerence, matters become more direct. Could it have been handled differently? Very possibly. But how?

I want my readers, all three of you, to understand that I utterly and completely condone the murder of George Floyd. But in no way do I support the methods being employed by ANTIFA and their surrogates.

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