
Wednesday, September 16, 2020

OMG Trump, Part Deux

 This very long post is another Facebook response. An individual responded to the Facebook post that I covered in the previous blog post.

I'm not going link back, nor will I place their comments here. I will place a link to this blog post in that comment thread.

If you wish, we can go down that list of issues you say these Establishment Republican (eREP) have with Trump.

Let's start off with "all there is to know..." Part of me wants to think you said this with your tongue planted firmly in your cheek. But based the rest of you comment, I will address it as if you meant what you said.

That is part of the rub we have with these eREP. They think they know all, nobody need apply. Their arrogance is so thick you can cut it with a knife. The rank and file of the Republican party have allowed these folks free reign to lead the way. Initially we thought they had all the answers because they said all the right things. Curb ILLEGAL immigration. Put a stop to unfettered access to abortion as a form of birth control. Defend our property rights. Defend, without hesitation, the Bill of Rights, with particular focus on the 1st and 2nd Amendments. Balance the stinking budget. Get folks off welfare and back into the work force. Protect the jobs, especially blue collar. As time went along we began to realize that none of our priorities were their priorities. There was a rebellion brewing.

You mentioned the democrats for Nixon. Completely unsurprising. McGovern was the Bernie Sanders of his day. He was a complete far left loon. The dems had yet to be fully overtaken by the socialists and Marxist faction. It was still mostly the party of JFK, lower taxes, extremely limited abortion, strong national defense. So it really is no surprise that many of those that would later be known as "Blue Dog" democrats, would gravitate towards Nixon's more conservative platform.

If you think the Tea Party movement was strictly about Obama, then you weren't paying close enough attention. That movement scared the eREP as much as it did Obama and his minions. Obama and his efforts to crush the movement (IRS?) was the public face. But Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan did A LOT of work behind the scenes to stunt the movement. Those Tea Party candidates that were elected to House and Senate seats were given almost no ability to make any sort of difference. They were swept aside and marginalized by the eREP House and Senate leadership. We noticed that. The Tea Party movement was established to put the fear of God into both parties. We weren't expecting Nancy "Queen of the hair salon" Pelosi and her fellow safe dems to react in anyway except denial and venom. But we certainly expected the Republican establishment to respond differently than they did. Rather than given us a strong candidate, we got Romney. I'm sure he's a wonderful human being and a great administrator. But as a leader? Ugh!!! I can name at least two candidates in 2012 who would have crushed Obama in the debates. Take no prisoners!!!

I think the hardest adjustment many have had to make, or are unwilling to make, is that we are now playing by the rules of lack of decorum the dems have established long ago. It took a while for the rank and file of the Republican party to understand the dems (and the Pravda-like main stream media) don't play fair and their game is long. The dems are aghast that we would turn the "Rules for Radicals" against them. And eREP fear losing their grip on their power.

Ok, so now onward to the accusations.

Corruption. Good golly Miss Molly, Donald Trump is probably one of the least corrupt politicians in quite some time. Of course, if your news sources are CNN and MSNBC he certainly appears to be corrupt. As defined corruption tends to better one's financial bottom line. When you are already a multimillionaire, does one really need to suck at the teat of the taxpayer, or take bribes from rich corporate donors. Heck, he was once one of those rich corporate donors. However, if you are a community organizer or a disbarred attorney... How does a community organizer afford a house in one of the swankiest neighborhoods in Chicago? How does an attorney that is not allowed to practice law in any fashion become worth tens of millions of dollars, yet never held a job outside government service? And how does a former Senate Majority leader become worth over $20 million dollars? Being a Senator pays well, but not THAT well. You couldn't toss a rock in Capitol Building and not hit a corrupt politician. I urge you to duckduckgo the following: there are trillions at stake.

Incompetence. I'm assuming you are referring to how he handled the Wuhan Virus. The facts really don't back that up. 

Trump shut down travel to and from China in January, when we had only about 30 deaths, nearly all in Washington State. 

He shut down travel to Europe when it became clear that many countries there were unable to stem the virus. Please don't forget that many called him xenophobic and reactionary when he declared the travel bans. 

He declared a public health emergency on 31 January. 

On 13 March he declared a full national emergency.  

Nearly concurrently with the national emergency he also issued an executive order standing up the defense production act. Under this, the executive branch, working with private industry, could (and did) prioritize the production of medical supplies and equipment such as ventilators, PPE, and other needed medical supplies. The lack of this equipment can easily be tied to the Obama administration's incompetence in reestablishing supplies depleted during the H1N1 outbreak. 

He also dispatched the Navy's two largest hospital ships, one to New York, the other to Los Angeles (Niether were used). 

He also ordered National Guard units in several states to build up massive mobile hospitals (These were also never needed). 

If you toss out the deaths that occurred in New York and New Jersey brought on by the complete incompetence displayed, and actions taken, by those governors you could reduce the number of deaths on the US by 25% (49,000÷194,000). These two states account for 8% of the US population.

Cruelty. Not really sure where to go with this one. I will agree he says and tweets stuff that can and does upset people. But is it really any different than others who have said things like "basket of deplorables" or clinging to their guns and their Bibles? Or how about governors who put Covid positive people into nursing homes? This certainly meets the definition of cruel.

Racism. This one that tends to bother me the most. For years progressives have tried to hang this albatross around our necks. Ever since Republicans were the driving force behind the Civil Rights bills of the 1960's. Ever since Charlton Heston and many others just like him (white and conservative) marched at Selma. Dems have gotten pretty lazy with the term racist, throwing it at every white person they happen to disagree. As a life long Republican I can confidently say that as a whole, we are not racist. Sure, we have our nut jobs but despite what your progressive friends and the media tell you we are not racist. We FRIMLY believe in what MLK once said about judging a person by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. As a whole, we don't tend to give folks extra points just because you are brown or black, or whatever. Are you a decent human being and what do you bring to the table? That is our philosophy. When dems casually throw around the word racist it reminds of a quote from The Princess Bride: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.".

What really makes the whole racism charge fall flat is his past. Both Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have recognized Trump for his work in minority communities. Yes, I am well aware he didn't win an award from the NAACP, so we'll put that one to rest. He has spent his dollars in those communities and has hired minority owned businesses for his projects. He didn't do that for some self righteous reason, he did it because those businesses could do the work he needed done. He was a pragmatic businessman; who can do the best job at the lowest cost? I would also point out that until he ran for President, they was nary a peep about his so-called racism. You'd think that an individual as public as he has been for the past 40 years something substantial would have popped up.

Selfishness. You are aware that Trump has donated every cent of his presidential pay to several governmental groups. These include, but not limited to: the National Park Service, Veterans Administration, Small Business Administration, and the US Department of Agriculture. Within these various departments, a goodly share went to programs designed to help disadvantaged groups, whether they be veterans, youth organizations, minority focused programs, etc.

What's in it for Donald. Last and probably least. I think what you might be trying to say is that Donald Trump is narsisstic. Well, that is certainly old news. Having some degree of narcissism is practically a requirement to be President. Just think about it. When you run for president, you have to firmly believe that you are the only person in our great nation that has all the answers to what ails us. Probably there have been only two since WW2 that didn't have narsisstic tendencies to some degree. Carter and Ford. Beyond being humble to a fault, their other commonality is their lack of a second term. One more point here. I invite you to pick a State of the Union address, one from Obama, and one from Trump. Count the number of times each uses "I" in the speech.

I don't know who wrote or spoke the following so I can't give them proper credit but it does an awesome job of summing up a lot of what I said above.

"Imagine you have 25 years of experience in your job. A new guy comes in with no experience and begins running circles around you. You had your boss convinced there were legitimate reasons for not getting stuff done. And the new guy does it anyway. Imagine your resentment, fear, and bitterness over potential loss of job and power.

Now you know why Washington DC hates President Trump."

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