
Friday, January 8, 2021

A VERY Long Post

And just like that, the greatest experiment in democracy died.

As I write this, there are still things in motion that could possibly change the outcome of this fraudulent election, but I think it is all but done. But I'm putting it up anyways, as a shot across the bow to those who have basically betrayed the people who believe in the Constitution as written, and amended.

This post is a bit long, and it will ramble a tad. I am not necessarily directing this to the hard core democrats. You could slap them in the face with a rotten fish and they would still think it smells like roses. No getting through to them. This for those of you who were either riding the fence and fell off the wrong direction or who have been called "never trumpers". Some what will be written here will be quite brutal and might offend. And I don't care. So hitch up your big boy (or girl) pants and without further ado, here we go.

I'd first like to address those never-Trumper "people". You most likely cost us this election through your treachery and lack of spine. I hope you are proud of yourselves, you whinny, mealy-mouthed fools. In your blind hated of Donald Trump and your allegence to the ruling class, you have ushered in the age of socialism in our once-great republic. You were too afraid of, or too ensconced in, the ruling elite to let a man who truly had the best interests of ALL Americans in his heart be President. Honestly, I think you were somewhat embarrassed by just how much his love for this country was visible on his sleeve. You spoke a great game about your love of country, the Constitution, and what it stands for. Yet he showed you up, bigly. You couldn't hold a candle to the passion he has for America and it's people. You are too foolish to see that, unable to see the forest through the trees.

For those RINOs and those who took part in the Lincoln Project. Screw you. You have completely doomed the Republican party to the dust bin of history. You are the Whigs of the 21st Century. Just like those party leaders in the early 19th century, you failed to listen to the rank and file. You thought you were better than us, and we should just sit back and let you make the decisions for us. You attitude is; don't bother to tell us how you feel, we know better than you. You are the reason we lost in 2012. Obama was beatable. He was floundering. The economy was stagnant, troops were still dying in what seemed to be unending wars, we had taken the House of Representatives just two short years earlier, Obama and his minions had outright lied to the American people about "Obamacare". Obama had lost his mojo and his halo was somewhat diminished. And then you decided to run Mittens. He was conservative (very) light. But we got behind him, if only to be rid of Obama. Then the debates happened, and the infamous "the eighties want their foriegn policy back". He just sat there and took the barb, barely a whimper in protest. At that moment, the election turned on a dime and we saw the writing on the wall. Tens of thousands of us stayed at home, completely unenthusiastic about Romney's candidacy. And he lost. Imagine what would have happened had he received the level of support Trump garnered in the most recent election.

There are those who say we'll bounce back. I think that possibility is as likely as snowball surviving hell. The level of enthusiasm for Trump was off the charts. He had/has a very large following. Do you really think anyone that the RNC puts up from this point forward can even come close to that level? By not getting fully behind him, not supporting his efforts to overcome this fraudulent election, and by some actually trying to sabotage his campaign you have alienated 10s of millions of conservative voters. Many of those voters will abandon the Republican party, possibly for good. They have certainly abandoned you.

There is one big difference though. The Whigs were replaced by the Republicans, who were already an established political party. There is nothing but socialism for our future.

What you never trumpers have done is to ensure there will never be a Republican elected President. This is twofold. First, the plans that Biden and his puppet masters have will forever put conservatives in the minority. These plans are well known. They plan to grant amnesty to 25-30 million illegal immigrants. It is true that Republicans made inroads into the Hispanic community over the last few election cycles. Our message of family values, the sanctity of life, religious freedom, and job growth has renosated with a significant minority of the Hispanic population. But these folks are legal immigrants, becoming citizens through legal channels, second and third generation Americans. A significant majority of these people whether they vote democrat or Republican, are not fans of the folks who come here illegally. All gains conservatives have made with the Hispanic voting block would be wiped out for generations.

There are also plans to give statehood to the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Both of these locations are overwhelmingly progressive. DC voted 93% for Biden. In years past, as states were admitted to the Union, it was done by 2's so there was some balance based on ideology. Admitting DC and PR to the Union, there would be no balance. I'm pretty sure this is by design. Four new progressive Senators and at least a dozen new Representatives, all progressive. Easily overwhelming conservatives.

Secondly, you have made voter fraud the norm. No amount of blustering from you and others there is no evidence will overcome the absolute carnage voter fraud has wrought on this election, and most elections moving forward. In your desire to be rid of Trump you have decided to look the other way. You have made a conscious decisions to back the deep state over election integrity, you have forever changed how elections will be carried out. You have become no better than the progressives whose mantra is "Any means necessary". And don't even bother to say "What fraud? There is no evidence." Don't insult my intelligence, and don't make yourself look like a complete fool. You and I both know fraud was rampant across several states. And there is plenty of evidence. Just because the mainstream media doesn't mention the fraud doesn't mean it hasn't happened. You need to pull your heads out out of the a$$es of CNN, MSNBC, NPR, etc. Not that you will, but all one has to do is go beyond the MSM and you will find it.

But you folks already know all of this, you are not uneducated. Just stupid. And vain. And you don't give a rat's behind this is going to happen. It was by design so you would still get those sterling invitations to the finest parties. You wanted to remain an elite in good standing, no matter the cost. You already have yours, what do you care about us little people.

If you voted against Trump because he said some "mean words", or his tweetering was not to your liking, or because the media and the democrats (one in the same) lied about his racism or something, shame on you for either not doing your own research or not having the spine to let your weak liitle heart be hurt, just a little.

I would to point out something that should as obvious as the nose on you face, this was not a vote for prom king. It was not a popularity contest. It was a vote for the freedoms that make us that shining mansion on the hill. If you think the puppet Biden and his handlers will allow you to remain free, you are sadly mistaken. He and his entourage have already plainly stated they will do whatever they can, legal or not, or morally right, to curb they very freedoms that many of us (It is quite apparent not all) have come to cherish.

If you are any sort of student of history, the changes that will be wrought by the progressives will not be bloodless. Nearly all societies that lurched suddenly towards socialism as we are now doing has been exceptionally bad for those unable or unwilling to toe the party line. And yes, I am comparing what has just happened in our nation to the rise of facism, Nazism, Marxism, and socialism. These -isms are the cause of more than 200,000,000 deaths. While there are no hard numbers a sizable chunk of those deaths are people who thought they were on the right side, only to find out they were just further down the list than those who were on the wrong side. Think about this; once you run out of us wrong-thinking people, your "leaders" will need more, if only to keep feeding the beast. Who do you think will be next in line? Trust is something in very short supply in an -ism form of government. If you think these people that you have sworn some sort some sort sick fealty won't turn to you once they are done with us, you have your head buried so far up your a$$ that you can see your teeth chewing your food.

This has already begun. There was talk that queen Pelosi may not have the votes to remain Speaker of the House. As it turned out, she was elected by the slimmest of margins. House dems are already turning on themselves. The far, far left against the far left. A few so-called moderate dems have already stated they dont plan on voting for Pelosi. The far, far left are also turning on former VP Biden because his cabinet nominations are not to their liking. This linked story is just a small example of how the far, far left is turning on the left. I'm sure you've all heard the story about how young "man" held on to 3 second video and used it to cancel a fellow leftist. Did she use the wrong word? Possibly. For the one brief slip up, she had her scholarship revoked and was "asked" to leave the college she was attending. If an individual who thinks themselves as woke and on the supposed "right side of history" can get cancelled how do you think, as a RINO, you'll fare after the purge of true conservatives is over?

You want to keep your 2nd Amendment rights? Not going to happen. He has already said that Beto O'Rourke will be his gun guru. This is the guy who planely stated he will come after our guns. Oh. It won't be something over the top like banning the sales of guns. Maybe he'll try something like was tried in California, tax and severely restrict the sale of ammo. Ban so-called high capacity mags. But the Supreme Court overturned those laws. True enough, but have you thought about how it will go at SCOTUS once former VP Biden packs the court.

I know there are a few of you who hold your 2nd Amendment rights very close to your heart. But it is obvious it isn't as dear as you have mentioned or believe. If you cared about the 2nd Amendment, THE protection of the entirety of our founding documents the choice would have been more obvious, and easy to make. How will you respond when "The Man" comes to your door demanding that you turn over your guns? Will you behave like sheep and just mildly accept your fate? Will you buck the system, hiding your guns or refuse to give them over? If you are a sheep, which I suspect many of you are, are you ready to accept the carnage that will happen as the feds come up against folks who will resist attempts to physically remove guns from people who still believe the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Will you mourn for those that will die? Or will you say "They deserved what they got" like the cuckholds you are?

You want to keep your property rights? Again, not going to happen. Biden, and his controllers, have already made clear their plans to reinvent suburban America. Everything from forced mass transit to rezoning neighborhoods for large scale "affordable housing" projects smack in the middle of your neighborhood. We can always have our community government push back against these efforts, you might say to yourself? I don't think our towns and cities will be able to take on the federal leviathan and not come out absolutely devastated. Before you get your knickers in a knot trying to say this is some sort of racial dog whistle, take a long walk off a short pier. I don't want Arkansas trailer trash in my neighborhood either.

Now lets talk about financial sovereignty. I have a question for you who voted against Trump. Do you think you or the federal government is better suited to decide how your hard earned money should be spent? In a very real sense, by voting for Biden, you have indicated you are willing to give up your financial sovereignty to the federal government. I can hear you now, the rich need to pay their fair share. Since I know ALL are aware how the tax burden breaks down, I won't rehash it. But I will point out that all of the spending that Biden and his cronies want to do, our annual GDP doesn't even come close to covering it all. Recent estimates have Bezos worth $200B, Gates worth north of $110B, and Buffet worth just north of $78B. That is a combined total of $369B. If you throw in all the other billionaires in the USA it comes close to $1T. That is a lot of wealth, most certainly. You're probably saying to yourself, see, we tax these people at 95% we'll get the funds we need to fund the start of the Green New Deal or some other lefty wet dream. But I think what many forget, or choose to ignore, is these totals are worth, not cash on hand. If we were to get $190B out of Bezos he would have to liquidate nearly everything he owns. Who would purchase his assets? If all the other wealthy people are also taxed at 95%, nobody has the cash on hand. And this is one time thing. Bezos, Gates, and the others took years to build that wealth. Once you have stripped the "uber-rich" of their wealth and assets, who do you think the ruling class are coming for next?

Maybe this might be by design. There are MANY on the far left you dream of government takeover of all businesses. If we taxed the rich out of existence, with noone left to purchase the assets they would be forced to sell, who would get possession of all of these assets? Ding. Ding. Ding. Yep, the federal government. And you know they wont pay fair market value, if they even pay at all. If the feds don't buy these assets, that leaves China. How wonderful would that be? They already own the vast majority of our debt. Now they can own Amazon, Microsoft, Exxon-Mobil, our railroads, airlines, anything that has value.

I read a study several years ago about why people, mostly progressive types, want higher taxes. It comes down to guilt and projection. It seems, according to this study, that liberals feel some guilt for not donating more of their time and money to charitable organizations. It is well documented that conservatives, as a general observation, freely give more of their time and money. Because liberals, as a generalized observation, tend to be self absorbed and materialistic, they just can't seem to find the time or the money to give to worthwhile causes. Their solution? Force everyone, through taxation, to give. If they can't get their hands on the money they earn, they can't spend it on fussy stuff. The study concluded that through high taxes two birds with one stone could be achieved. First, with that larger government intake, money could be spent on projects to their liking (welfare, arts, etc.). It would also force conservatives to direct money away from their chosen organizations, and the government would fund projects and organizations more to the liberal liking. It was very enlightening, and dovetailed with my own observations and conclusions. I have been unable to find an online copy of this, but I'll admit I haven't lost any sleep looking for it.

Name one socialist country where the middle class has grown. You blame capitalistic greed for the shrinking middle class in America, never once thinking, that maybe, the socialism that has crept ever so slowly into our society is to blame. I'll ask the question again: Name one socialist country where the middle class has grown? Many of you will point to the European style of socialism as the goal. Really? Even in these so-called socialist governments, the middle class has shrunk, while government dependency has grown. Not a single one of these socialist-democracies has a flourishing entrepreneurial class, nor is there a vibrant middle class. You can't have one without the other. The entrepreneurial class needs a robust and active middle class to purchase their products. And the middle class needs the entrepreneur to bring products to market. And both need the boot of government off their necks.

We have witnessed first-hand what happens when government picks the winners and losers, i.e., socialism. It is estimated that upwards of 60% of the small businesses that closed under the government shutdowns will never reopen their doors. All of those family owned mom and pop restaurants, gone. The lady that ran the single chair hair salon, gone. The guy who ran the small computer repair shop. Gone! Yes, many of those will eventually be replaced. But by whom? Applebees will replace the ma and pa burger joint. Great clips will replace the hair salon or barber. Best Buy geek squad will replace the local computer bubba. All large corporations. The power of the economy further consolidated under large corporate umbrellas. Under the draconian measures taken during the so-called pandemic, Jeff Bezos has become the richest man in the country as his Amazon empire continues to crush small businesses. And progressives are supposed to be for the little guy. HA!!!!

All of you who voted for socialism need to apologize to your children right now. Because within a generation, the freedom they now experience will be something only their grandparents can wistfully talk about. Tell them you are sorry that you voted to institutionalize governmental interference in their daily lives, on a daily basis. Tell them you are sorry about the end of freedom of speech. Tell them you are sorry that the freedom to worship God (or not) will now be governed by those who rule over us. Only the worship of the State will be allowed. Tell them you're sorry that the ability to protect their family and their property will be nothing but a distant memory. Tell them you are sorry lady justice is no longer blind, replaced by "social justice".

There is an aspect of socialism and those who support its tenants that I find funny without humor. It is they believe they will be taken along for the ride. Oh, initially this will be true. You will possibly enjoy the fruits of socialism for a time. This will be short-lived. As those who rule over us consolidate their control over society, even the supporters will be left out. We are all, conservatives and progressives, just peons in the minds of the ruling elite. All one has to do is look at history. Stalin called those who supported him, but weren't part of his very small inner circle, useful idiots. Clinton called those who didn't support her deplorables. Recently, in Venezuela, there was a rich, prosperous country, with a large and growing middle class. They were far and away the most prosperous country in Latin America. But for whatever reason, the majority supported a socialist for president. Now look at them. Even the vast majority who supported the implementation of socialism are now living in abject poverty.

Well, that can't happen here you say. And I counter with France as an example. Even after suffering through two world wars as the primary battleground, France was a leading economic power in Europe, second only to Germany. Again, for whatever reasons, the majority decided socialism was the way to go. Although the fall took a little longer than Venezuela, and they haven't yet fallen as far, there is still damage. Their economy has been stagnant for decades. When was the last time you have heard of a major technological breakthrough coming from France? The middle class has shrunk. Entrepreneurs are few and far between. There is little to no ownership of medium sized businesses, which is where innovation has come from. As it stands now in France, there is no upward mobility. If you are born poor, you stay poor, if you are lucky enough to be born middle class, you stay middle class. And if you are extremely lucky to be born into the rich, ruling class, that is where you stay through nepotism.

Some have pointed to the technological breakthroughs that came to be during the heyday of our space program as a way the government has advanced our lifestyle. I will counter that it was private businesses that developed these technologies. Yes, it was under government contracts, but the businesses and entrepreneurs held on, in most cases, the rights to their products. And it was the entrepreneur who brought Teflon, the ballpoint pen, Velcro, and other products to the masses. It made those entrepreneurs very wealthy, and brought untold convenience to us.

You have opened a can of worms that won't be closed without blood. It is easy to vote for socialism, but it takes blood to end it. Once those in the ruling elite get a taste of complete power, they won't give it up without a fight.

I am a bit ashamed of myself and my fellow conservative travelers. We had an opportunity to completely crush the socialism-light that transpired over the past seven months, especially in blue states. Other than New York and California, most blue states have a large percentage of folks who vote conservative. In these states we could have rebelled at the tyrannical overreach implemented by tinpot dictators posing as our governors. Mask mandates? Kiss my backside. Closing of restaurants? Kiss my grits. Closing of barbershop and hair salon? Kiss my finely coifed hair.

In my adopted home state of Washington, over 1.2 million folks voted for Trump. If every single one of those voters had decided to tell Jay Inslee to go pound sand, what could he do? Arrest all of us? Even the mask shaming Karens out there would have been overwhelmed. Do you think that the Sheriffs and state patrol in Lewis, Thurston, Whatcom, Grant, etc counties would have arrested folks for opening their restaurants or hair salons? I don't think so. In fact several county sheriffs were on record stating they wouldn't arrest anyone for these acts of civil disobedience. Why didn't we just tell these tyrants to go to a place where a snowball couldn't survive? Pull liquor licenses? Not a chance. The state might have done so, bit who would enforce it? Not the sheriffs in those counties and towns.

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