
Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Some Hard Truths

Here are 25 hard truths Americans can no longer rationalize away:

1. A presidential election was stolen from President Donald J. Trump in the most brazen and in your face way possible. I covered this as well have MANY, MANY, others.

6. News is not what the corporate media delivers, only leftist/globalist propaganda that rarely speaks ill of China or George Soros. Mainstream media long go list any sense of what was envisioned. Their role was to be honest brokers, for/against any party. I have stated this in previous posts. For a press to be free, they have to be credible and without bias. The main stream media is ohh for two. Trump is only giving voice to how a large majority of Americans feel regarding the press. There is only one profession that is viewed more unfavorably than journalists; lawyers. That is pretty lousy company.

9. The police in blue cities have lost the trust of patriotic Americans due to their willingness to blindly follow orders of mayors and governors even if those diktats infringed upon the constitutional rights of the citizenry. One only has to see the incidents involving police and people who are trying to be free. Arresting a mother who refuses to wear a mask, outside, with asthma. Letting rioters run amok, but arresting peaceful conservative protesters. The examples are too numerous to list here.

14. Unless liberty is vigorously taught and fought for, it will devolve into tyranny. Ronald Reagan stated less than 30 years ago; "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd live to see that day.

17. Our public schools are not dedicated to teaching our children, but to indoctrinating them to leftist ideas. As a father to threw children I can certainly attest to this indoctrination. I witnessed it first hand. It took many hours of subtle and not so subtle efforts to overcome this indoctrination. I am sad to say my efforts weren't as good as I had hoped. One is definitely a left winger, one is firmly in the corner of freedom while the jury is still out on the third. It is difficult to overcome what my children faced day in and day out.

18. The Wuhan Virus lockdown demonstrated the eagerness of far too many Americans to surrender liberty for safety. I think this here has me most concerned. How quickly people were willing to just lie down and roll over to tyrannical orders.

The highlighted sections are from the link. The rest is my thoughts. I only included a few. Click the link to read the rest.


  1. Replies
    1. When I copy and paste it doesn't always do what I want. I prep my post in notepad, the copy and paste. I will try to fix.

  2. Stolen absolutely was and way more than anyone wants to say...Treason at it's finest. how will they like communism when it hits them in the face?
    Love from NC
