
Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Some Thoughts on HR1

It looks like HR 1 is set to become law. For those of you unfamiliar with HR 1, it is the bill that will basically cement as law the chaos and fiasco that was election 2020. As an added bonus, it sets up public funding for folks running for Congress. In other words, your taxes will be used to fund candidates, even those you utterly disagree with. Imagine, progressives, having your taxes fund Trump's run for Senate next year.

Even someone who is not "formally" trained in matters of the Constitution can see this is not, well,.... Constitutional. The Constitution plainly states that matters that are clearly enumerated to the federal level and to the states and matters not clearly designated to the feds, belong to the states. A casual reading of the Constitution regarding who has authority to make election laws is quite clear. It is enumerated. This matter is solely a state issue.

So here are some solutions to some of the more egregious points within the bill.

HR 1 eliminates voter ID laws passed in several states and being considered in many more.

-Have bars and taverns be the polling locations. This was how it was done years ago. IDs are required to enter these establishments and who doesn't need a stiff drink before one casts their ballot. If you are concerned about candidates buying drinks for votes, simple solution, bar them, and their campaign staff, from entering these locations. And for those who cry racism over the requirement for an ID to cast a ballot, shut up. Every facet of life requires an ID. This has been covered here and numerous other places so I won't bother you with the details. You already know what those details are. As for whether or not minorities can get, or have the wherewithal to get, IDs (The progressive argument against voter ID laws), this is probably one of the highest forms of bigotry that exists. Why more people don't see this stuns me.

HR 1 would basically bar states from cleaning up voter registration rolls.

-Despite what many would have you believe, this is NOT a race based issue. How can anyone even suggest this is beyond me. Getting rid of deceased voters, people who no longer reside in the state, or duplicate voters has absolutely nothing to do with race, no matter how hard the progressives try to paint it that way. Not everyone who has died is a minority. Not everone who has moved to another legislative district or state is a minority. Not everone who is on the voter rolls more than once is a minority. Many states have attempted to clean up voter rolls over the years. These attempts have often been foiled in court. I'm no lawyer (But I did stay at a holiday inn), but even a casual reading of some of the judgements seem a little farfetched. You can certainly find isolated incidents where an eligible voter was mistakenly removed from the voter rolls. Easy-peasy fix, bring yourself, and your ID, to your county election officials. Done and done. If it is important enough to you.

Forces states to allow ballot harvesting.

-If this does indeed become law, one fix would be for the state legislatures to designate who gets harvest ballots. Have Republican ballot harvesters go into traditionally progressive districts and do the opposite in traditionally Republican districts. What's good for the goose, is good for the gander. The one flaw I see is that progressives are much more likely to cheat (by whatever means) than Republicans. The vast majority of election cheating is done by progressives, this is a fact clearly supported by the data. If you bother to look. I'm a firm believer in the old adage; You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink. I'll add that you can point to the water but the horse must make that decision on their own.

For several other provisions within the bill such as automatic voter registration (Think DMV); no ID, witness, or notarization of absentee ballots; and other points that go against what the Constitution stipulates, tell the feds to go pound sand. There is a nullification clause within the Constitution that allows states to ignore fed mandates, even SCOTUS decisions. Use it. As mentioned above; "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." The 10th Amendment. Progressive have been using nullification for years. Sanctuary cities. States legalizing marijuana. Just to name a couple. Republicans can, and should, use it too.

Bottom line: It is up to us to take a stand against the tyranny emanating from Washington DC. If HR 1 passes and is signed into law (99.9%), and is not overturned by the SCOTUS (low probability, considering what a coward Roberts has become), the states are going to have to wrestle power away from the feds and bring it back to where it belongs.

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