
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Undoing America

 So, in little less than a month former VP Biden has undone the America First movement initiatives begun under Trump. 

Former VP Biden stopped the deportation of criminal illegal immigrants (crimes other than the illegal border crossing). Contrary to what you might believe, Trump never started rounding up illegal immigrants by the bus load, and shipping them back to Central America. Trump did ramp up border enforcement and deportations, but those deportations focused on illegal immigrants who were changed with criminal activities. And for the last time, he didn't put children in cages. That was an Obama era program that Trump ended.

Former VP Biden has cost the state of North Dakota upwards of 60,000 jobs, the lions share that are good paying Union jobs. I wonder if the leadership of the pipefitters unions are rethinking their endorsement of Biden. Possibly cost the state of New Mexico 20,000 jobs, again which the majority are union jobs. New Mexico, which is well below the national average with regards to income and tax revenue, uses the money generated by oil and gas extraction to fund state education and other programs vital to the state's poor. And the nominee for Secretary of Transportation has told those soon to be out of work oil and pipeline workers to find other jobs. He's a butthead.

If you think this will stop the a pipeline from being built, you are sadly mistaken. Rather than building this pipeline through a relatively geographically stable region, Canada will build it across the Canadian Rockies to facilities in Vancouver, BC. And the environmental impact will be much more severe.

Even American Indian Tribes are going to feel the devastation. Several tribes across the Inter-Mountain West rely on oil and gas production to fund their governments and provide services to their members. And the exploration companies provide jobs to many American Indians. The Ute Indian Tribe has sent a letter to acting Secretary of the Interior, Scott de la Vega for an exemption from the EO that suspends the issuance of energy production permits, saying "Your order is a direct attack on our economy, sovereignty, and out right to self-determination."

Put the USA back in the transfer of wealth scheme known as the Paris climate accords. There no enforcement mechanisms within this so-called treaty that can be used to punish countries that choose to not abide. It also transfers vast amounts of wealth from producing nations to those who do not. And to top it off, most of the nations that would receive this largesse are so corrupt, little, if any, of the funding would actually benefit the people.

He has undone troop withdrawals from the Middle East implemented under Trump. Four years of effort to get us out of endless wars that have cost us trillions and 1,000s in irreplaceable lives of our nation's best men and women will be for naught. Trump made huge strides in the Middle East; troop drawdowns, recognition that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and historic peace agreements.

Has not pushed back on progressives who have called the vast majority of National Guard troops terrorists. The one and only thing I respected about former VP Biden was his appearance of supporting the troops. During my last deployment to Iraq he was in country several times. I actually met him twice. As the now leader of the democrats, he should stomp on those who have at the very least questioned the loyalty of the Guard troops, and at worst have out and out right called them them terrorists. But he has not done that. This lack of leadership, or desire for unity, has opened the door for extremists to begin targeting conservatives for all kinds of social cancellation. One word from Biden, all of that ends. He has yet to do so.

Former VP Biden will once again allow China access to our power grid. Back in May 2020, Trump issued an Executive Order disallowing the purchase from  governments hostile to our interests from the "acquisition, importation, transfer, or installation of any bulk-power system electric equipment". Another words, we couldn't import easily compromised power grid components from any country, especially China, that might be able to use those components to hinder our ability to generate and move electricity. Biden rescinded this EO.

Good grief, this is only a very short list of moves former VP Biden has made to undo all the great America First initiatives Trump put in place.

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