
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

A Comparison

So, let's do a little comparison, shall we. 

Former VP Biden: gas prices spiked nearly 35% in the first two months after he was installed in the White House. President Trump; gas prices at near record lows, adjusted for inflation. Due to the nature of my commute I keep meticulous records of my spending on gas. At the tail end of Trump's term I was paying $2.50 a gallon. Six months, a canceled pipeline, and a hacked distribution system later, I'm paying $3.50 a gallon. 

Former VP Biden: Gas shortage due to a cyber attack, possibly Russia or China. President Trump: We had become energy independent, and a net exporter of oil. 

Former VP Biden: People are refusing to go back to work. Welfare pays better than working. President Trump: unemployment at record lows, across ALL demographics. Wages were surging as there were more jobs than people to fill those jobs. 

Former VP Biden: inflation has already become an issue. We have never seen lumber prices this high. A number of reasons why this happened but all can be traced to democrat policies at the state and national levels. Housing cost up 25% in many locations. Nearly all food cost up. President Trump: inflation was nearly none existent, prices for goods and services grew at a respectable 2% during Trump's term. 

Former VP Biden: over 1,000,000 illegal immigrants surged across our borders in just six months. President Trump: illegal immigration was handled, decreased to a trickle. Cooperation with Mexico and the border wall not only curbed illegal immigration, but it also was responsible for a reduction in the flow of drugs and child sex trafficking across our borders. 

Former VP Biden: Isreal is being attacked by Hamas and other Palestinian terror organizations. President Trump: Does anyone remember the Abraham Accords? Peace was being established between Israel and a large chunk of the Arab world. With these peace agreements, which were recognizing Isreal's right to exist, the Palestinians were being isolated and handcuffed. That has probably been dashed. 

Former VP Biden: China has begun waging an all out cyber war on our government and organizations that feed and fuel our economy. One of the first things that dumbass Biden did when he was installed was to recind Trump's EO barring China access to any part of our energy infrastructure. Last month the east coast experienced a severe shortage of gas, and prices have spike across the nation. Was it China? Who knows. And we'll probably never know the full story. President Trump: He was able, through policies and rhetoric, to curb China's global ambitions. 

Former VP Biden: our armed forces are quickly becoming a laughingstock. You have to ask yourself, do you really want our military staffed with pajama boys and folks who can't figure out what gender they are today? The military is spending so much effort being woke and trying to root out so-called undesirables, that Russia and China are rattling their sabers in unprecedented fashion. China is making eyes at Taiwan. Russia is once again massing troops at the Ukrainian border. Biden is so ineffective that all Putin had to do was say "Boo" and our navy scurried away like scared rabbits. President Trump: He was implementing a Reaganesque resurgence of our military after all the damage done by President Obama. Under Obama, our readiness and troop strengths had dropped to post Vietnam levels. Aircraft were grounded due to lack of maintenance and spare parts. Ships were unable to get underway as the number of sailors had dropped to levels not seen since the Carter administration. And our military was in no position to fight two regional conflicts. We are rapidly returning to that situation. 

We are a joke across the world. At the recent G7 Summit, former VP Biden was nearly incoherent, embarrassing himself as well as our nation. A member of British Parliament said that Biden is "so senile that he won't remember" how poorly he has done. The left liked to claim that other nations viewed the USA poorly under Trump. Yet they can never provide concrete examples. Under Trump,  we projected strength. We were leading the way. Under Biden our allies, as well as those who oppose us, see weakness and incompetence. Several national leaders have openly laughed at Biden and his ineptitude. That is so very sad. 

Former VP Biden: Has discussed the undoing of the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits the use of taxpayer dollar being used to fund abortion. I know, I know, we fund Planned Parenthood, who in turn fund abortions. But that is a subject for another day. The Hyde Amendment won't allow folks who receive any form of government payments (wages, retirement, welfare, etc.) to pay for abortions using government direct payments (Medicare, Insurance plans, etc) to abortion providers. President Trump: He was the first president to attend the annual Right to Life gathering. Previous presidents (and many of our so-called conservative representatives) who said they opposed abortion refused to attend despite a standing invitation. 

You know what would be interesting? If there was some sort of metric that could be measured that would tell us how many people who voted for Biden were "not Trump" voters. How many voted for Biden because they felt Trump wasn't "Presidential enough." Or who were upset because of his supposed "mean tweets". And then dig into those numbers to find out if any of those folks regret their decision. While I am not the type of person to relish the anguish in my fellow man, it would be interesting to hear their thoughts after nearly six months of our ongoing disaster. 

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