
Thursday, July 8, 2021

Did People Die When Someone Lied?

I've added a few notes of my own. It is no longer a quick read.

1. Covid was man made in a lab. As many of you are aware, this was a thought process that gained some traction early on. As evidence started to mount and folks started talking about the possibility, the media and big tech suppressed any discussion. Calling us conspiracy theorists. I wonder why the elites would go to such lengths to censor alternative theories?

2. His gain of function money funded it. He bald faced lied about this. In front of a Senate committee. There really is no disputing that Fauci drive money to the Wham lab for the express purpose of gain of function research. You can argue whether or not his intent was nefarious. But you can't argue he directed money to the lab.

3. Hydroxychloroquine is effective and safe. All because a guy they hated thought it had potential. This one had puzzled me a bit. This drug has been used as a treatmentfor several decades. As far as I am aware, side effects were no more notable than with most any other drug out there. And the way the media twisted his words was appalling. I don't recall President Trump ever call it a cure. He called it a treatment. I will agree that he might have been overly optimistic,  but that has always been his nature. Yet the lie persisted, furthered by a dishonest media and the progressives. How many lives did this cost? 

4. Asymptomatic spread doesn't occur. Makes sense. To spread, you generally have to be coughing and sneezing; expelling the virus in some manner. If it's not leaving your body, you aren't spreading it. I had an argument with a nurse that I know on this issue last year. When I pointed out that to spread there must be some sort of transmission vehicle; i.e., a cough, a sneeze, they really didn't have a response. 

5. Masks are unless with viruses. I was always on board with this statement. I'm not in medicine, but I'm also not a stupid person. I can read. I can research. There was a moment when all my thoughts on this coalesced. Last summer there were huge fires across PACNW Righty country. A local talk show host ("consevative", but a never-Trumper) had a doctor on his show that specializes in breathing. He was asked if the masks we were all wearing would protect us from the smoke and particulate matter that was ever-present. He said no, the particulate matter in the air was too small for the masks to be effective. The matter in the air was larger than the virus. In fact, it was visible. And this doctor said the masks were useless. I don't know if the host ever caught on. It not a show I listen to with any regularity.  UPDATE: I've had this sitting In my files for quite a while now. Not sure why I didn't include it when I first published this post.

6. He was talking with Big Pharma re: vaccines. I'd sure like the FTC to take a look at any recent investments made by Fauci and others closely related to him. I wonder what they might find?

7. He was talking with Big Tech re: censorship. This was quite obvious from the get go. Now I am very aware that Big Tech marches to the progressive drumbeat, and early on they censored anyone who dared stray from the progressive plantation. Remember the doctors who were extolling the virtue of Hydroxychloroquine? Remember how YouTube shut them down, fakebook and tweater followed suit quickly there after? Well, I guess now we have an idea who was one of the conductors orchestrating the censorship efforts. 

My better half considers me a pessimist. While I don't necessarily disagree with her (I value my health 😀), I like to think I'm optimistic about my fellow human beings. I know there is evil in the world. I know there is evil here in the USA. But my rose colored glasses often refuses to let me clearly see that evil exists on a such a broad scale that would allow people to die, lose everything they own, and shread the Constitution all to change the outcome of an election. I will say the last six years have faded those rose colored glasses to the point where I have lost a good deal of trust. I now realize that progressives and the elites (not always the same. I'm talking to Bush Jr.) in no way have the rank and file American's best interests in their hearts. 

1 comment:

  1. All correct in what you see...The only One who anyone can trust is JESUS. His Word is Truth...Too bad people traded the Truth for a lie.
    Love from NC
