
Tuesday, November 16, 2021

A Needed Reminder. Update With A New Link

I'm at loggerheads right now. I've been thinking this post might get updates periodically as I come across instances of police crossing the line by enforcing tyrannical dictates from the "ruling class". But I want to be careful. I am not posting this for us to become anti-cop. Rather, I want people to be aware that if law enforcement continues down this path of becoming stormtroopers for the elites, they will have no support from anyone. If you know someone in law enforcement, please let them know the time for choosing is close at hand.

Most of my readers, I believe, are of the conservative variety. We support law and order, as long as it done in a proper manner. We also "Back the Blue". But in my opinion that support is wavering. When we see police force here and abroad enforcing draconian lockdowns and mask mandates, when we see events unfold where conservative people are attacked and the police stand by doing nothing, when the ruling elite use the police as their own private army to shut down dissent, when we see police used as a tool of intimidation and to instill fear, that support is bound to dwindle. And it is dwindling.

Update 15 Nov 2021. Click here. There have been several stories similar to this one. A school board doesn't like being called to task by a parent or groups of parents. The reasons are all well documented. CrT, bathroom use, corruption, not following the laws, etc. But the outcomes are becoming a little too common place. A school board gets their knickers in a knot, the police are called, and citizen is accosted for nothing more than exercising their 1st Amendment rights. And for calling the school board to the carpet. Again, I call out to those wearing the blue, please choose carefully. History has NEVER been kind to the stormtroopers of despotism. 

Update 28 Sep 2021. Click here. The purpose of this particular post is to remind those innlaw enforcement that the time is at hand to choose which side you want to be on. The cop in this video has made his choice, most likely based on economics. And that is just the way the elites want it. Choose freedom and you will be cast from society. Choose tyranny, you can be a good little "citizen'.  FYI, I have been a lurker at Mike's blog for a number of years. He has been on my blog roll probably longer than just about anyone.  Like most of us who run blogs, he is very opinionated. His opinions are quite strong. So go there, which I highly recommend, with some caution. And be prepared. You might actually disagree with his forcefulness. 

Update: Click here to view an incident in Australia. As most of you know, the ruling class "Down Under" has gone completely bonkers. I truly do think this woman was targeted by the tyrannical government. Before even show him her ID the cop calls her by her first name. Note the article states that she was arrested for a myriad of "crimes", including violating the "laws" put into place due to the covid virus. Pay attention to the way the copper wears his mask. If you are going to succumb to the mask orders, and are required to adhere to this policies, the least you could do is wear it "correctly" .

Click here to see a Fascist school board use the local police to harass and intimidate local parents into compliance. While I am certainly very disappointed that this local police department has decided to apparently side with the fascists, I am equally disappointed that someone, anyone, with a camera didn't in some fashion remind the police officers who truly does support them. It is not the political elite on the school board. Additionally, the parents in that school district need to attend the next school board and fill the place to capacity (and then some), and be very vocal. If any of my readers reside in Palm Beach, eff-ell-aay, or know folks who do, consider attending the next school board meeting and let your voices be heard. And if the fascists on the school board direct the cops to arrest you, then remind them of the choices they are making. One group supports the blue, the other wants to defund the blue.

I think it might be time to remind the rank and file members of law enforcement who truly has supported them over the years. It may be time to tell them this is the moment they must choose which side do they want to be on. Do they want to be tools of the Marxists? Or do they want to be on the side truth and what is right? 

I'm not sure if they can tell, but the support from those of us on the side of freedom and the Constitution is being eroded by the actions they are currently taking.

I suggest if you are a witness to these tactics, video it if you can. And remind the officers their actions will have consequences down the road. By no measure am I not suggesting threats. I am suggesting you remind them who has had their backs over the years. And that will wither away unless they make the decision they will no longer support unconstitutional edicts from the ruling class. The cops already know the Marxists don't have their backs. Remind them who does, at least for now. If they continue down this path they will be an island, admired and supported by virtually no one.

It is a choice they have to make. But they might need a gentle, but not so subtle nudge.

1 comment:

  1. It's me the conservative widow who is almost 74 years old, who is a first generation on her dad's side...My grampa left Germany without any other family members going with him to go to AMERICA where he and his family would be free...He knew what was coming down the pike after after serving in ww 1. My grama and ddad and aunt came a year later as he worked in the copper mines in Upper Michigan to be able to book passage for them to come here legally....Imagine that...and they all became citizens...My dad was in the Navy in WWII..My grandparents couldn't have a radio to listen to the war because the government didn't know if they could trust legal immigrants who became citizens back in the early 1920's...WOW...We've come a long way baby from that far back...
    And we are now beginning to lose our FREEDOM due to people like that snotnose guy in power of the school board...WHAT the HECK? Take your kids out of school and homeschool them...Get them out of the indoctrination centers....
    I pray for my 8 grandchildren who are going to lose their freedom unless the Lord comes on the cloud to catch us up to be with Him soon....
    OK, I am now done standing on my soapbox...
    Thanks for letting me vent dear PAC NW RIGHTY...
    Love from HC,
