
Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Tell Me Again

So please, tell me again that the vaccine is all about the science.




We see another example (scroll down just a bit) of how the getting the vaccine has morphed from "This needs to be done" to get us back to "normal" to a mandate "This will be done,... Or else!!!" Penn State University has announced that if you have not been vaccinated or have not provided a negative weekly test result you will been barred from attending classes. REMOTELY. Yes, PSU has decided to become part of the tyrannical edicts and have barred and removed students who don't toe the line, even though they are only doing their course work via computer.

So, are we not supposed to be following the science? Isn't isolating ones self, limiting public contact following the science? Yet, PSU and several other schools, are now not letting students attend classes remotely. I.e., isolating and limiting contact. We're is the science behind this decision?

Someone, who is on the side of get the vaccine or else needs to explain how not getting the vaccine impacts those who have taken the jab. 

All the vaccine does is prevent the vaccinated from getting deathly ill. Unlike REAL vaccines, which teach your body to fight and eliminate the invading virus, this so-called vaccine basically tries to trick the virus. Obviously, much more complicated than that. Even if you have the vaccine you can still carry the virus at its full potential. Now this could be the argument for EVERYONE getting jabbed. But, as time has gone along it is becoming readily apparent the "vaccine" is not effective in the medium or long term. This means there is a need to continuously get booster shots of what is essential an experimental medicine. 

Off tangent thought. I saw an interesting stat the other day. Can't find the source material at this time but it was rather stunning on how effective a corrupt media can influence. Upwards of 70% of people who identify as democrat think the number of people who have gotten the covid-19 virus and succumb to the virus is in the neighborhood of 50%. Even those who identify as conservative think the number is much higher than the way less than the 1% who do perish.

Actually, this thought isn't that much off tangent. These numbers are telling as to why people, especially those of a progressive bent have gone so far off the deep end when it comes to vaccine mandates, lockdowns, shuttering businesses, and overall lose of freedoms.

Off tangent again. Ever notice how those who used the term disinformation don't explain how someone who has a different opinion is wrong? 

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