
Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Will it Come to Pass? (Fixed Issues)

There is an old adage about those who serve/have served in armed conflict. I'm paraphrasing here, but it boils down to we have seen the damage war can inflict and we are the least likely to want war. I make this point so you understand that what many people think is going to happen is not something I, in any form, desire. Also, to be clear, in no way should anything written here or linked to should be considered a threat. Merely observations. Spitballing, as it were.

As our nation continues to be torn apart, with compromise nearly impossible, there are those who think armed conflict is inevitable. I, for one, hope and pray this does not happen. War is an ugly thing. The last time our nation fought amongst ourselves, nearly a million were killed and wounded. Hardly any family living east of the Rockies didn't feel the impact of this war on a personal level. It would be worse this time around.

Of the many articles I've come across in the last year discussing the possibilities this one here is probably the best. Click here to read it all. Just a taste below: (Hat tip to "Brooks" at Knuckledraggin')

Saturday, October 2, 2021

Where Did All the Memes Go?

I don't spend much time on Fakebook any more. When I do log on I will scroll deep through my feed to try and catch up. I have noticed a trend. 

During the previous administration there was a plethora of memes on a daily basis. Those who believed we are a sovereign nation, loved freedom, cheap gas, a booming economy, rising wages, low unemployment, and a robust military would post memes about how great the former president was doing in the job. Those who didn't like all of the above would post anti-Trump memes. All well and good. An exchange of ideas is always a good thing.