
Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Will it Come to Pass? (Fixed Issues)

There is an old adage about those who serve/have served in armed conflict. I'm paraphrasing here, but it boils down to we have seen the damage war can inflict and we are the least likely to want war. I make this point so you understand that what many people think is going to happen is not something I, in any form, desire. Also, to be clear, in no way should anything written here or linked to should be considered a threat. Merely observations. Spitballing, as it were.

As our nation continues to be torn apart, with compromise nearly impossible, there are those who think armed conflict is inevitable. I, for one, hope and pray this does not happen. War is an ugly thing. The last time our nation fought amongst ourselves, nearly a million were killed and wounded. Hardly any family living east of the Rockies didn't feel the impact of this war on a personal level. It would be worse this time around.

Of the many articles I've come across in the last year discussing the possibilities this one here is probably the best. Click here to read it all. Just a taste below: (Hat tip to "Brooks" at Knuckledraggin')

 "Vaccine passports are the ULTIMATE POWER in the hands of government to decide the life and death of individuals and their families. And not surprisingly, the political left and democrats by far the biggest group backing the government and the globalists on this agenda.

This places our nation in a difficult position; the political left desperately wants to control the lives of others while conservatives and some moderates just want to be left alone. We are at an impasse. We cannot share the same government and we may not even be able to share the same land mass.

Our ideals are mutually exclusive. We believe in freedom and individual responsibility and they simply do not."

 That last time pretty much sums it all up. It is becoming increasingly more difficult for leftists and real Americans to coexist. And the blame rests squarely on the shoulders of those who just can't seem to leave well enough alone.

The other day I came across the following. I can't attribute since I don't know who wrote it. If you know, please drop the authors name in the comments. Or not. It may be the author wishes to remain anonymous. I will honor that if so.

 "The most terrifying force of death comes from the hands of" Men who wanted to be left alone. " They know the moment they fight back, the lived as they have lived are over. It is a small from of suicide as they are literally killing off who they used to be. Which is why, when forced to take up violence, these "Men who wanted to be left alone" will fight with unholy vengeance against those who murdered their former lives. They fight with raw hate, a drive that cannot be fathomed by those who play-act at politics and terror. True terror will arrive at the Enemy's door, and they will scream, cry, and beg for mercy. But it will fall on deaf ears. For these men simply wanted to be left alone. - Unknown

Can it be avoided? Yes, it can. But the left needs to hear and understand the points being made in the linked article. If they continue to ignore the warning signs, or actively pursue this path, then no, and it will get ugly. Ugly

I see two possible paths to avoid armed conflict.

1. The leftists and globalists see what is happening and make a conscious decision to step back from the brink. They decide, that while their goals are worthy (In their eyes), the consequences of their actions are too high and not worth the goals.

2. Succession. Either in part or whole. A new nation. One that adheres to the Constitution. Or, a soft succession, where we are still one nation, but states exercise a robust sovereignty.

Both are fraught with issues, mostly from the leftists. So far, they have shown absolutely no inclination to listen to our concerns. In fact, as we push back, they double down. See AT Garland and his treatment of concerned parents. As for the possibility of succession, the left will do anything in their power to not let that happen. It goes against every fiber of their dark souls. We will not be allowed to leave simply because they are mad for power and control.

At some point in the near future I plan on expanding on the directly above. Still fleshing out the outline.

As with many of my posts I will add updates and other links as I come across them. So check back once in a while.


  1. Great read...But the part where I clicked to read more(not the 2 post from those other 20, but what you were writing : It's not there, only white lines...
    But what you wrote was great...Is there a way for you to repost with all the writing there and no white lines and spaces? LOL You can see that I am not a techy.
    Love from NC

  2. Fixed the publishing issues. Thanks Sandy
