
Friday, November 12, 2021

The Goals

If you haven't figured it out just yet, let me clue you in. Covid is being used as a weapon. I'm am positive that my readers very much aware of this. As usual, a long post that rambles just a tad. Read on.

Have any of you asked yourself why is the "vaccine" being pushed so hard? It really is not terribly effective. Unlike typical vaccines this one does nothing to the actual virus. It only prevents (maybe) the host from getting really sick. Even though you are vaccinated, you are still carrying the live virus, and you can infect people, even those who are vaccinated. Nearly every day we hear about someone who was fully vaccinated dying from covid-19. These so-called breakthrough cases are on the uptick. This shot is not having the desired effect, at least towards the virus.

Remember when this was a pandemic of the unvaccinated? How long did that narrative last? I'd say about a month. Initially they tried to lie. They were saying that 99% of the cases were afflicting the unvaccinated. When that was proven false, they started calling cases among the vaccinated as "breakthrough" cases, as if somehow the virus broke through the barrier provided by the vaccine. Or maybe it was an effort to somehow distinguish between those who were vaccinated and those who weren't vaccinated. Now, there is little distinction between the two as the rates of positive tests and deaths are similar. They can't even hang their hats on lessening the severity any longer as deaths among the vaccinated continues to climb.

Full disclosure: I was highly concerned about the vaccination before the former VP was installed in the White House. I have family members, who are FULLY on board with all the tyrannical dictates, that can attest to my serious hesitation. When it became clear the jab was going to be available shortly after the "election", we argued about the safety of this shot. I firmly believed adequate testing had not been accomplished, the medium and long range impacts in no way could be determined. I used the argumentthat it took years to develop and fully test vaccines. They felt equally as strongly that the testing that was done, as well as computer modeling, was sufficient. Bottom line, even if Trump had returned for his second term, I would still be considered vaccine hesitant. And keep in mind that many in the current administration are on record stating their hesitation to the jab. It is the one and only area that the former VP and I agree.

Yet those in power are pushing this vaccine as the holy grail. Why is that? Why  put all of your eggs into one basket?

They are not.

The vaccine is the tool, the weapon, that will very soon be utilized against the American people. If you don't have your vaccine, the boosters, the passport, you can forget about even the most basic of services. Time to get you license renewed. Do you have your passport? Want to refill your prescription? Show me your papers. Want to go to a baseball game? Do you have the right app? The one that let's you buy tickets, but can't download until you show proof of vaccination? Do you need to cash a check, withdraw some cash, get a mortgage? Have you been jabbed? You're foolish if you don't think the elites won't try to make these happen, and more.

I am fond of telling my progressive friends that I am running out of conspiracy theories.

Already, people are losing their jobs. People are being forced to choose between a job to feed their families and bodily autonomy.

Those who refuse to comply will be forced out of the economy, out of jobs, out of society. All because of a virus that was built in a lab in China, funded by US tax dollars, at the direction of that petty little tyrant.

Why is it that a medical licensing board has to threaten the livelihoods of medical professionals who wish to speak publicly about the negative impacts of the covid "vaccine"? If the vaccine were effective and safe, would this medical licensing board need to take this step? Why not just let those Healthcare professionals have their say and move on? What is there to fear? Would a doctor be forced to choose between what he or she deems right and their profession?

Why haven't the negative impacts of the vaccine, reported on VAERS website, been highlighted by the mainstream media? Why hasn't the media been sounding the alarm about the nearly 4,000 (I've seen some sites say over 6,000) deaths that can be directly attributed to the vaccine, according to VAERS? A little over a decade ago when the swine flu was making the rounds, the vaccine was pulled after only a handful of deaths that were linked to the vaccine. Yet, here we are, possibly 1,000's of deaths and possibly 10's of thousands adverse reactions to the covid "vaccine", complete silence from the media. And tyrants insisting we get jabbed.

Does anyone find it interesting that in Los Angeles, if you have taken the jab and are covid positive, you can go to restaurants, ballgames, the movies? Yet,...if you have a current negative test, or have the covid antibodies (i.e., recovered), but have not bent your knee to the government, you are not allowed access to any of the the aforementioned venues, and many others. Remember when progressives called us conspiracy theorists when we mentioned vaccine passports? Fun times! How much longer until LA insists you get the jab to be allowed to shop for groceries?

Now they want our children to get the jab. They insist we follow the science. Less than 400 kids, 18 and under, have died due to covid. We are taking about a 0.0002% chance of dying a child dying from covid-19. That's half the number of kids who have died riding bikes. Kids who have died in automobile accidents is nearly 5x higher. The suicide rate among children has increased by more than 800 over the past two years. Even the CDC has stated that children are not susceptible to getting covid, nor are they considered highly contagious when they do have it. There are plenty of sources out there that show the impact this jab is already having on our kids. Follow the science?

Additionally: I was planning on putting something here, or as a separate blog post, about the "revised" numbers coming out of Italy. Last week, the Italian Higher Institute of Health released a report that parsed out how people in Italy died who were inflicted with covid. There is a lot of contradictory interpretations of this data. Some have said Italy reduced the covid-19 death count to less than 4,000. Others are stating they didn't. There is truth to both. Officially, the government Italy has not changed the numbers. But, since the Italian Higher Institute of Health is a government agency and they clarified in the the report how people died (comorbidities), it does show "only" 3,783 people have died from covid-19 alone. That is a rate of 2.9% of covid deaths are from covid as the sole source. So no, Italy did not reduce their covid-19 death count, but yes, the Italian government did release a report that clearly defines the causes.

It would be interesting to see if the USA ever gets around to making this clarification. It won't happen because "they" know all "he-double-toothpick" would break out if the real numbers were ever released. If we use 700,000 as the number of covid deaths as a baseline, then use the 2.9% cited the Italian government report, we are looking at just over 20,000 people died from covid alone. Under normal circumstances, 20,000 deaths attributed to the flu would be a positive trend. And keep in mind, that never before have we counted flu deaths among those already terminally ill. If someone had heart disease and died with the flu, it was counted as a heart disease death, with the flu. That is no longer the case. If someone had other serious health issues, caught the covid, then died, it is now the official position the death be counted as a covid-19 death. We've all heard about the motorcyclist who died in an accident with covid. And the gunshot victim who also had covid. These are extreme outliers, of course, but they are a window into what could be a serious issue with how the numbers are tabulated. I think most of us are aware of this. Some, they will make the case. They see the numbers, the official positions, and the occasional slip up by our overlords. Others sit by, aware the numbers are questionable at best, waiting for something to change. Others, simply refuse to see the forest for the trees.

After nearly two years of tyrannical edicts, it has gone well past two weeks to flattening the curve. It is no longer about your health, it is about total control. Never let a crisis go to waste.

Lastly, the numbers I have cited are out there, you just have to make the effort. 

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