
Monday, February 21, 2022

Choices Being Made

As I have mentioned in a previous post, it appears that law enforcement in Canada has made their choice. Take a look at what some are posting to social media. Click here.

Some of you might say this is just a small slice of the RCMP. I will counter with this: that these people feel comfortable posting their thoughts in a forum such as the examples linked to, shows me they fear little, if any retribution, for what they have posted. Supposedly, the RCMP "leadership" is aware of these posts and is " investigating ". Anyone willing to wager the be absolutely no punishment for these officers? I will also mention that I saw not a single RCMP member chastised these officers. They are so much is the minority, they can't speak out for fear of losing their jobs. And maybe their lives when no one backs them up. Or, all agree with the sentiments. Either way,...

Friday, February 18, 2022

The Choice (Update)

I think we can safely say that the rank and file of the Ottawa police have made their choice. Every single day, it is becoming more and more obvious the Ottawa police have made their choice. A very sad time indeed.

Something I find quite interesting is that while the Ottawa brown shirts are beating protesters, trampling protesters with horses, stealing money and supplies from the protesters, there has been nary a word spoken if any of the protesters have vigorously fought back. If there had been ANY level of violence from the protesters, it would be top of the fold, lede-in newsworthy. 

Images from various Twitter feeds. Hopefully these are considered fair use. Plus I don't use Twitter so I have no other way to get these images to you, my loyal reader.

Joe Dan Gorman/Intellectual Froglegs. Note the protesters on the ground, under the horse. The woman who was trampled is OK, a shoulder injury. 

Poso Remembers Ottawa @JackPosobiec. It looks like it's gonna be a bad day for the protesters who have done billions in damage, killed over 30 people, including cops, tried to immolate people trapped inside a federal building in Portland, Oregon, burned small businesses to the ground. Oh wait, that wasn't these guys. There wasn't a cop to be found when that was going on.

The Last Refuge @TheLastRefuge2. The first image is what Trudeau sent to deal with who is in the pictured in the second image.

What is most frustrating to me is the people giving the orders could care a rat's behind about the men and women in blue. These cops are facing off against some of their most ardent supporters. I'm guessing once all of this is over worldwide, cops will have the same level of approval that lawyers and journalists now enjoy. Nobody remembers the "brown shirts" fondly in any society, no matter who "wins". To the tyrants, these people are just tools to further their tyrannical agenda. To the oppressed, these people will be lower than whale poop. If freedom wins out in the end, we will remember the choice that law enforcement made.

Update 19 Feb; Ottawa police chief had said his department will search high and low for ANYONE who participated in the Freedom Truckers convoy. Even if they left the protests in the first few days when ordered by law enforcement. These teams will be heavily armed. Don't forget, Emperor Trudeau has given himself nearly unlimited power, which I'm sure he will let law enforcement use at their discretion. I see people dying. Hopefully the Canadian protesters have seen and will take heed of what has happened to the Jan Six protesters and steel themselves for what is to come.

If people are harmed during this roundup of protesters, I will no longer have law enforcement back. I know I'm just one strand of straw in the pile of hay, but that is where I make my voice heard. It is time we all make our stand. Law enforcement needs to know where Joe and Jody Six-pack stand. They are sworn to defend the Constitution above ALL ELSE (both here and in Canada), even those pointed over them. I have tried to remind myself on a daily basis that the men and women of law enforcement will eventually push back against their tyrannical overlords. And every day I get just a little more disappointed. They have to know what they are doing is wrong in every sense of the word. What has happened to the Jan six protesters and what is going to happen to the freedom convoy protesters will be in complete violation of the constitutions of both the US and Canada. 

As I said above, no matter the outcome of this battle between freedom and tyranny nobody will remember the actions of law enforcement kindly. 

We are entering a very dark period in our history. 

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

An Update, Sort Of

A few months back I started a thread on this blog regarding the choices that law enforcement officers that lay before them. The United States had recently entered a a period of time not seen in many decades. We are facing a growing trend towards tyranny.

Those that support a tyrannical government have become emboldened over the past 13+ years. The election of Barack Obama beought the Marxists out of their barely concealing shadows. We absolutely knew they were there, but were kept in check, partially out of fear, but mostly to bide their time. When Obamawas elected, out of the shadows they came, no longer fearful, and knowing the time was right.