
Friday, September 30, 2022

Borrowed From Twitter

I don't have a Twitter account. I've thought about it. I'd like to get suspended a time or two and wear it like a badge of honor. 

Via Doug Ross Blogspot and John Henry's Hammer Twitter account comes this little gem.

I know there are still a few people out there who believe the regime media is fair and balanced. I am also certain that my readers are well aware the media is in the tank for the dems. We are very fortunate that most in the media are pretty stupid. Otherwise, they wouldn't post headlines like ones above that make it so easy for us logic minded souls to point out the bias and hypocrisy. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Need a Favor

Would someone post a comment here. I haven't received a comment from anyone recently. I'm hoping you guys just aren't responding and blogspot hasn't done something nefarious with the comments section.


A Boomer Response

A bit off my usual subjects but I had an interesting conversation a few weeks back with a millennial. It was rather one sided as he told me all that was wrong with the “Boomers”. I wasn’t really willing to engage because he was the type of individual who would get his feelings hurt very easily, a crybaby. So rather than risk getting turned into HR, and my feelings weren’t hurt, I just let it go. But in this forum, on this blog, I think I can let my feelings known. It truly is a sad state of affairs that folks can't have honest conversations any longer without the fear of getting into hot water.

Here is what a so-called "Boomer" sees in his mind when thinking about Millennials. Not that we think about us guys too much, except many of you are our kids and grandchildren. 

What Progressives Won't Talk About (EV Edition)

I ran across an article at the PJ Media website that discusses how there are issues with Electric Vehicles (EVs) that progressives are not willing to talk about. Read the article here. (Look below for more links of interest) I am going paraphrase heavily in this blog post and am going to add my own thoughts and additional points. This is in no way a reflection on the author, Mark Tapscott. The article is great and quite illuminating. He covers A LOT of ground in short, concise points. As my dear readers know, I have a tendency to ramble on. In the arena that Mr. Tapscott finds himself, I'd take an educated guess that his word count is limited by his editors. I don't have an editor. I should, but I don't. That gives me much leeway, as I said above, to ramble. 

1. Fossil fuels and nuclear energy account for more than 80% of US power generation. EVs are fueled by Fossil fuels. What is not included here is the power generated by hydroelectric dams. Hydroelectric power creates an additional for 10-12%. That about 8-10% coming from renewable such as windows and solar. No question this is not a trivial amount and it has increased dramatically over the last 15 years or so. But even at this level, renewable energy is no where near ready for prime time. The overwhelming evidence bears this out. Locations that rely heavily on renewables have a difficult time meeting the needs during periods of even higher than “normal” demand.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Well Said

Got this straight from the Conservative Treehouse/Last Refuge blog/website. An outstanding read and it says a lot in just a few short paragraphs. Enough from me.

by Steve Harvey

Friday, September 2, 2022

Slow Blogging

I am currently working on several posts. Hopefully I'll get more posted in very near future. 

Thanks for sticking with me.

Over the Top

What a total effhead. 

Now I am well aware the idiot didn't write those speech. He didn't really have any approval over it. The extreme progressives on his staff wrote it and put it in front of him and said "do it, or else." 

Regardless who wrote the speech, the so-called President of the United States called nearly all Trump supporters un-American. While it was stupid of him to do so, it was also scary. While I know the run of the mill progressive who voted for this idiot will take his speech as nothing more than that the ravings of a lunatic, there is a sizable portion who support him and are knuckleheads. They will take these words and act on them. Soon and in the future. How soon will we see some Biden supporting a-hole make an attempt on the life of a sitting congresscritter or SCOTUS justice? Oh wait, hasn't this already happened. And this was before dumbass gave a speech that vilified more than half the country.