
Friday, September 2, 2022

Over the Top

What a total effhead. 

Now I am well aware the idiot didn't write those speech. He didn't really have any approval over it. The extreme progressives on his staff wrote it and put it in front of him and said "do it, or else." 

Regardless who wrote the speech, the so-called President of the United States called nearly all Trump supporters un-American. While it was stupid of him to do so, it was also scary. While I know the run of the mill progressive who voted for this idiot will take his speech as nothing more than that the ravings of a lunatic, there is a sizable portion who support him and are knuckleheads. They will take these words and act on them. Soon and in the future. How soon will we see some Biden supporting a-hole make an attempt on the life of a sitting congresscritter or SCOTUS justice? Oh wait, hasn't this already happened. And this was before dumbass gave a speech that vilified more than half the country. 

He essentially told America that, at a bare minimum, 71 million people are the enemy. This has been going on for several weeks. Started off when the FBI raided MAL. Then just a few days later he called Trump and all of his supporters semi-facists. He underlings repeated the phrase several times. With this speech, he turned up the volume to 11. 

Throughout Trump's presidency, the left was fond of saying Trump was literally Hitler. This speech so very much like the speech that Hitler gave that turned the German nation against the Jews and all others who were not sufficiently Aryan. We all know what happened in just a few short years later. 

He said basically that energy independence, low unemployment, low inflation, freedom of speech, and so forth is not the American way. 

We don't respect the Constitution? Who eff does he think he is? This is dude who wants to curtail, significantly, our 2nd Amendment rights. This is the putz who thinks the Constitution granted women the right to use abortion as a means of birth control. This the idiot who use executive orders to put into place agenda items that he knows, beyond a shadow of doubt, won't pass congress. It's his and Obama's fascist administration that coordinated with with government agencies to stiffle free speech. 

Why don't we ask Clinton, his worthless son, James Comey, all the Epstien clients, and Lois Lerner (and many others) if they believe in the rule of law. 

Extreme ideology? What does he think worshipping at the alter of the climate gods is? What does he think social media acting hand in hand with government agencies is? What does he think saying 71 million people are the enemy or the USA is? 

It has become obvious the left is scared of us. For far too long the have had their way through the institutions of America with little to no push back form the right. Oh, words were spoken and hackles were up, but the Mitch McConnell and the Mitt Romney's and John McCain did nothing to stop the March towards Marxism. The rank and file in the republican party begged and pleaded for them to put a stop to this trend. They did nothing. So we, the American people, took matters into our own hands and elected a pompous, arrogant, ineloquent, unpolished snake oil salesman who was decidedly on our side. He truly believes in the greatness of Americans and America. He knows we have and had faults, but he also knows that we were once a shining light. We also know this and we wanted to be the example for the world once again. 

The left fears this. They don't think America is redeemable. They want it destroyed from the foundation up. In Trump, we found a leader that showed us the way to bring back this greatness. The anti-Trump Republicans wouldn't push back. Trump did and does. He gave us hope that the continued march towards Marxism could be stopped, or at least slowed enough for us to get our feet back underneath us so we could fight back. To the left, this is not tenable. The the rinos, this had to be stopped, lest they lose their access to power. Trump truly believes in "We the People". Not so for the left, and not so for those gin swilling rinos. When we started pushing back against the progressive agenda the left lost their collective minds. They had not experienced push nack to this level. They were caught flat-footed. This is their response. Now they are ratcheting up the rhetoric to levels not seen in my lifetime. 

Sorry this isn't uo to my usual standards. I wanted to get this posted before going to work. Somebody has to pay for those gender studies degrees. 

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