
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

An Illegal War and $800B?

Here is another installment of "when do you get mad?
You didn't get mad when we spent over 800 billion (and counting) on said illegal war.

-Don’t you get mad when Obama and Nancy spent more than that with the stroke of a pen, signing into law the quite possibly unconstitutional health care bill? (UPDATE: A federal Court in VA has deemed part of the bill unconstitutional)  This would be the first time in our history that the federal government has forced the American people to purchase something against their will.

-I love it when lefties state the war was illegal without any evidence to back up their charge. So far, all I have heard is how Bush used intelligence as justification for the war and because the intelligence was later found out to be faulty, that automatically makes the war illegal. In the minds of some, it also makes Bush a criminal. Based on that reasoning, the leaders of France, Great Britain, Germany, and Russia (just to name the major players) are all criminals since the intelligence apparatus in those countries also felt that Iraq was continuing to produce and stockpile WMDs. Bush had the authorization from Congress to invade, and Congress continues to fund the effort. Nothing illegal here, move along now and get a life.

-Going back to the $800M, Obama and his group seem to think that all we need to do is print more money and lo and behold, we can spend it anyway we want and on anything we want. $1T Health Care bill? Done. $800M on “shovel ready” projects that actually turned out to be the mother of all pork-barrel earmark spending. No shovel ready projects, but plenty of money for Chinese companies to build wind turbines in China, studying the habits of ants, watching bears mate in Northern Rockies, and other worthwhile, shovel ready projects. The only shovel ready about the $800B stimulus bill is all the bullcrap that needs to scooped up.

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