
Friday, December 17, 2010

Tax and Spend

"Good grief!", said Charlie Brown. Now the American taxpayers are saying the same thing, although I have afeeling some of them are using words that good old Charlie would never utter. $1.1T spending bill that Prince Harry says if not passed old people and children will die. One really gets the feeling that the current lame duck Congress doesn't give a rat's backside what the American people want. I guess the landslide change in the House and the near flip of the Senate wasn't enough for these goof-balls to get the point. $6B in earmark, prok-barrel spending that even some republicans have placed in the bill. Jees!

UPDATE: It looks like the Senate has pulled the bill from the floor and will now go with a continuing resolution to fund the gov't over the next 45 days or so. This will give the republicans a chance to walk the talk. I sure hope they have their heads pulled out of their butts. Did you notice that two RINOs from Maine and tow outgoing Republican Senators were going to suppor this bill? I expected that from Snow and Collins but not from Bennett and the other dude (name escapes me). But maybe their thinking was I didn't even make it through the primaries so screw you all.

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