
Friday, January 27, 2012

Google "Bombs" Santorum

Republican nomination hopeful Rick Santorum has had his share of difficulties trying to gain traction during the initial series of primaries. Probably the most publicized issue was hubbub raised, mostly by liberals, over Santorum and his wife’s handling of the stillborn death of their child back in the mid ‘90’s. Of course, you knew the left would raise this issue, and try to paint Santorum as some sort of kook.

Even less publicized were the efforts of Google and gay rights activist Dan Savage. According to the article where I got this information, several news outlets, including MSNBC, ABC, and CNN, had an opportunity to call Savage on the carpet for his behavior towards Santorum. None of them did.

A few years ago Savage ran a contest for people to come up with the vilest definition for “Santorum.” Needless to say, what came up was pretty disgusting. As for Google, what they have done, really takes the cake. When doing a search for Santorum on Google the results of Savage’s contest come up as the top return. He is a screen capture.
Screen Capture Taken 27 Jan 2012

I blocked out the worst of it because it isn’t fit for print. If you must read it, do your own search because the “winning” definition is right there for you to see.

Even Yahoo has gotten in on the act. At least at Yahoo, actual news about Santorum came back as the top returns, relagating the "definition" to third place.
Screen Capture Taken 27 Jan 2012

I recommend that you read the whole article here.

Believe it or not I do have a few liberal friends and we do discuss politics from time to time. When I like to point out the liberal bias in the media, of course they scoff. There is no bias what-so-ever in their minds. I have tried to point out the obvious by asking them if they agreed with most of what was said on the MSM about varous subject matters. Invaribly they say yes, they do agree. The logic and connection behind my question and their answer completely escapes them.

I make this point because a lot of times when I talk about the crazy stuff the far left has to say, or the complete inaction of the media when these nut jobs say or do something off the wall they always try to turn the tables on me. (Great example of inaction by John Nolte over at Big Hollywood). They'll try to point out how racist and violent the Tea Party is, without any examples of course. Or they mention that Gingrich is racist because he called President Obama the "food stamp president", forgetting that Gingrich was elected the the House of Representatives in a district that has a heavy population of minorities.

They like to throw the so-called "ring-wing" militias and racist comments made by some on the conservative side of the aisle. I do not disagree this happen, and when it does, the press does their job and points out these disgusting views. The media paints them as right wing kooks (occasionally as main stream thought). But in almost every occasion, conservatives make every effort to distance ourselves from that kind of thought. But when someone like Savage and a company like Google does what they did to Santorum they are celebrated the bias can't be ignored, or explained by my liberal friends.

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