
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Four Kinds of Amnesty

Over the years there has been a long struggle to deal with 12 million plus illegal aliens. Back in 1986 Reagan made his biggest mistake of his Presidency. He granted amnesty to a couple million illegals with the promise of enforcing border security. That border security did not happen and now we are deal with millions more.

In this attached article there are four basic methods of dealing with this issue.

For those of you who followed this blog over the years probably know where I stand. For those who are unsure, option #3 is where I stand.

One the one end of the spectrum is amnesty with no questions asked and no pre-conditions. This where most progressives are at and apparently many business owners as evidenced by the Chamber of Commerce stance on Rubio' s gang of eight amnesty plan from a few years back.

On the other end is the round em up and ship em back. I know there are some out there who will not agree with me on this but I really don't think the Trump stance is doable. The logistics behind rounding up 12-20 million illegals would be daunting at best. And I know some of my progressive friends won't believe it but I do have some compassion. I think the human toll would be more than we might be prepared to pay.

That compassion and that they ARE here illegally causes me to bend towards option #3.

I think this option will cause self deportation. If the jobs aren't there they just won't stay.

I have heard the argument that the illegals do the jobs we won't do. I say BS to that. Growing up in the late 1970's I worked at many of the jobs now dominated by illegals. At 14 I picked strawberries and other summer fruits. Over the next few years I bused tables, cleaned up at construction sites, pulled weeds and mowed lawns, and washed dishes. With teenage unemployment over 20% and twice as high in some segments there wouldn't be a shortage of available employees. If businesses have trouble getting these teenagers to take these jobs, then they will HAVE to offer higher wages. No government intervention necessary. And we have to stop Molly-coodling these kids. No, washing dishes or pulling weeds is not below your station in life.

Building the "wall" is imperative. We must have border security. This might cause liberal heads to explode but folks from other countries do not have a right to come here without following the law. And to turn the tables a little, if these illegals voted conservative liberals would be demanding deportation and the wall. And before you liberals say that is the only reason most conservatives want the wall is because most illegals vote democrat I remind you the Chamber of Commerce supported the gang of eight amnesty bill. The Chamber of Commerce is a very conservative group.

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