
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Dems, Why Do You Continue to Support Clinton?

The picture I posted on Facebook says it all. I've said it before; There isn't a policy of hers that I could ever support, that should be clear. But I just don't understand how a very large segment of our country could actually support her running for president. Do you not care about the rule of law? Do you not care about how this takes this country down a path where we will no longer be the beacon. We will be no different than those banana republics across the world. She doesn't have an honest bone in her body. Can you dems not see that, or is what is stated below true? You could care less that she is dishonest? I'm not asking you to support my candidate instead. I'm asking you to find someone, um, better.
Corruption and dishonesty have dogged her almost since the beginning of her time in government. Kicked off the Watergate committee for an utter lack of ethics by people from her own party, Whitewater, money made in cattle futures, Travelgate, and the list goes on. About the only time she didn't have scandal swirling around her was during her time in the Senate. But then again, she was inconsequential as the junior Senator from NY so not many paid her any mind.
Most of my friends here on Facebook are former military and each and everyone of you know the penalty for mishandling classified material, intentional or not. At best, a dishonable discharge, at worst, a long prison term. Gen (ret) Petraeus was forced to resign his position at the CIA over what were essentially his classified schedules.
There was a time when a dem candidate could be someone you could be proud of. I'm not taking about supporting them during an election, but in the aftermath, once the choice has been made. Very few people have real issues over whether or not Truman, Kennedy or even LBJ were Presidential. We can quibble over policy decisions, but I don't think any serious minded person on either side of the aisle would say the aforementioned individuals were not people of honor. When poll after poll shows that even those who identify as democrat don't believe she is an honest person that really should say something.

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