
Saturday, November 7, 2020

Things That Make You Go Hmmm... Voter Fraud Edition

A list of possible voter fraud and irregularities. Not all encompassing. I'm sure some of these might have honest explanations. If so, bring them to my attention, I'll try to fix. But if you don't like what is here, avoid the ad hominem attacks. Contribute. Dispute with facts, not BS. All of these links can be be found elsewhere at blogs such as Weasel Zippers and Doug Ross. There are updates all day.

The Best

This link is probably the best summation of what went on prior, during, and after 3 November. the author is a former auditor and statistics was his game. He reasons that nearly all of the late night vote dumps are statistically impossible and that numerous "red flags" abound. Read it all the way through and the links below become clarified. Parental caution is advised for some language.

Michigan Voting Software

The tweet linked here has a point. If this software did assigned nearly 5,000 Trump votes to Biden, did any other counties experience the same glitch? It was corrected in this particular case, but the software was used in 47 other counties.

Judge Orders Ballot Segregation


The first link is an order that comes from a Pennsylvania judge, not SCOTUS. The significant question is how many of the ballots that fall under this order have already been counted and shuffled into the legitimate votes?

The second link is an order issued by Justice Alito.

MSM Calls the Election for Biden

Interesting that the MSM decides to call it just moments before the Trump administration is scheduled to hold a press conference on the matter of fraud.  BTW, I haven't watched Fox news in several years, except to watch Carleson and very rarely Hannity. About a week ago the NYT put out a tweet (since deleted) that basically said the media will be the final arbiters with regards to who won this election. That's chutzpah.

Even A Few Dems Have Questions

I had come to believe there were no honest democrats left, at least ones that were willing to go out on a limb and question the progressive status quo. I guess there might be a few out there who believe integrity is more important than ill-gotten results.

Interesting Vote Count From 2012

Nobody really pushed back against this because Romney really didn't have a snowballs chance in a hot place to beat Obama, especially after the "the 80's want their foreign policy back" wither and die moment. This is interesting to me since since it a statistical impossibility for this many votes to be tabulated without at least one dissenting opinion. A mistake, a rogue voter. San Francisco is as blue as it gets, yet the are always a sprinkling of Republican votes. Obama carried Pennsylvania by a wide margin in 2012, nobody really followed up on this fraud. But with the difference in PA being really close, this kind of vote counting gets people's attention.

Military Vote Count

This is beyond disgusting. The very people we depend on to protect our rights being denied the right to vote. Voting in the Presidential election is a right, outlined in the still valid (for now) Constitution.

Barr To Review Nevada GOP Claims

Based on the numbers involved this very well could be hyperbole and smells of low grade desperation. But if even half the claims are true that could swing the result in Trump's favor. I've lost some faith in Attorney General Barr, but hopefully he'll take these allegations seriously enough to investigate.

AOC Speaks (Like an Idiot)

I have a garage full of lumber that is smarter than her.

Postal Worker, Part 1

The number wasn't huge. But it did happen. And don't forget the postal workers union did endorse Biden. And everyone is aware what unions will do to achieve their desired election results.

Caught Red-Handed

This alone should be the ding, ding, ding that gets EVERYONE'S attention. On video, changing and filling out ballots. I wonder how did they have to do to get the numbers they needed. Considering the lead Trump had at poll closing time did these people get writers cramps, or were there shifts?

25,000 Votes "Found" in GA

How come there is never a trunk or boxes filled with votes for Republicans? More importantly, why do we put up with this?

Another Honest Democrat

These folks are few and far between. But they are out there. I feel for them in a small way. Those who would like to maintain election integrity, but are scared to come out. They support the dem platforms, just not how the power brokers make things happen. They know they can't leave the party, but if they bring out allegations of fraud they also know they will be forever cast out, excommunicated.

PA GOP Observers Locked Out

It is so blatant, and they do not fear retribution, because there won't be any.

I See Dead People (Vote)

I wonder who my dad voted for? All dark humor aside, I know this isn't a big issue, fraud can't really be that obvious. Just the FACT that it happens should shine a light into the cold dark recess that should hold a person's morals.

Project Veritas

Score another for The James Gang. He and his crew have caught several progressive organizations doing underhanded, and quite possibly illegal, things over the years. This is just the latest. For you progressive trolls reading my blog, debunk anything he and his crew have presented. His methods might be questionable, but what he gets cannot be refuted. Go ahead and try. You'll fail. BTW, shouting obscenities and call him (and us) names doesn't make you right. So please don't bother, I'll only laugh at you. And just so you know, yes, I would do it to your face.

24,000 Ballots "Found"

Not one Trump vote. As pointed out earlier, this is a statistical impossibility.

Voter Rolls

There are many, many, many examples of voter rolls fat and sassy with folks who have passed, moved, or changed party affiliations. This is so ripe for voter fraud, no wonder democrats don't want to clean them up.

Ballot Harvesting on A Massive Scale

Ballot harvesting is legal in some locales. While it may be legal, it sure isn't ethical. In recent history ballot harvesting may well have changed the outcome of some elections. In the California Central Valley a couple of years ago a congressional district that had been Republican for decades, suddenly went democrat, and it wasn't even close. Overnight, a 5,000 vote lead for the Republican candidate vanished all do to ballot harvesting. Staying in California, Orange county had always been a bastion of red in a sea of blue. All of a sudden all districts in Orange county went blue. Again, ballot harvesting was behind the shenanigans.

A Primer on How Its Done

At this link a democrat operatives describes how he perpetrated voted fraud on a pretty massive scale in New Jersey. Everything he describes is what many Republicans and the Trump administration had been warning folks about over the spring and summer, especially when democrats started insisting that everyone be allowed to vote by mail. For the trolls, vote by mail is NOT the same thing as absentee ballots. You know this so don't even bother.

A Compilation

Here is a compilation of voter fraud instances that have been caught or reported. Many are small time efforts, but it is quite possibly a window into grander schemes.

The James Gang is at Again

Another instance when O'Keefe and his crew were able to uncover democrat voter fraud.

Trump Was Right (Correct)

This news is a bit old, but might of had an impact on this election. In New Hampshire in 2016, they had same day voted registration with very lax rules regarding IDs needed to register. An after election audit discovered over 3,500 hundred votes cast by folks who did not hold valid New Hampshire drivers licenses (Nearly 100% from Massachusetts). Clinton defeat Trump by less than 3,000 votes in 2016.. Supposedly there were to be reforms done, but I can't find anything that shows the changes happened. And Trump lost New Hampshire by a very slim margin, and the margin of Biden's victory came late in the evening. Just like Clinton in 2016.

A One Off

Or is it? In Clark County, a ballot was cast by an individual who has been dead for three years. A Clark County official (a democrat) said he was unaware of any improper ballots being cast.

I See Dead People (Voting); Part Two

This story centers around the complete lack of voter roll maintenance in Pennsylvania. While it doesn't necessarily mean voter fraud, well, actually we know it does mean voter fraud. The second to last sentence makes me chuckle without humor. So what if the disputed votes won't make up the difference, the fact is there ARE disputed votes and it needs to be remedied. And, if it won't make any difference, then you shouldn't be fearful of cleaning up these disputed ballots and votes.

I'm going to wrap this up. I think my readers will get the gist of what I'm posting here. In case you don't, voter fraud is a real thing and it is almost exclusively a progressive activity.

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