
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Some Questions for Progressives

  For those of you who think Trump is trying to "steal" the 2020 election with the legal challenges that could very well overturn the initial "results", here are some queations for you. From Diogenes' Middle Finger.

Before we get into this, a personal note. While I am greatly disappointed that Trump "lost", I am more disappointed that so many people are OK with how the results came to pass. It strikes at my faith in my fellow humans. As much as I don't want to, I will never look and interact with some people I know as I have in the past. There will be a wall of distrust. While there has always been difference in how each of us views how the world should work, I was not prepared for how many people would perpetuate such a crime to see that their vision would move forward. Nor was I ready for the number of people, some I know and care for, who would support such an endeavor. There is an oldish saying that I've posted here and there throughout this blog: Folks on the right think those on the left are wrong. People on the left think those of us on the right are evil. After what has happened during this election (and for the past 4+ years), I think people on the right are going to rethink how we view those on the left.

If you wish to read the whole article, click here. There was some editing to clarify MY thoughts. But not much.

Do you believe... (A reminder, each of the following questions are based on indisputable facts. I added this)

.....It would be wrong for election supervisors to coach workers to correct mail-in ballots for Biden, but not for Trump?

.....That it would also be wrong for election workers to coach voters to vote for biden and democrats, and follow them to the ballot stations?

.....It would be wrong for for poll workers to go out to a Biden-Harris van in the middle of the night and fill out ballots?

.....That it would be likewise wrong for poll workers to fill in the names of people who hadn't yet voted when a "voter" comes in who is not on the voting rolls?

.....It's wrong for poll workers to ignore matching signature requirements?

.....That it's wrong for counting centers to keep Republican poll watchers from observing hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots?

.....It was wrong for Philadelphia democrats to ignore a court order that demanded poll watchers have their rightful access?

.....That it's wrong for a democratic-controlled ballot counting center Fulton County Georgia to tell GOP observers they were done counting for the night....Then resume counting the minute the observers left?

.....It was wrong for Nevada voting officials to fabricate proof of residence data for non-eligible voters?

.....That it was likewise wrong for postal supervisors in several states to order workers to post-date late arriving ballots, so it would falsely appear the arrived on time?

.....It is wrong to cast ballots using the dead?

.....That is wrong to count ballots from people ineligible to vote in a particular state?

.....It is wrong for a state supreme court to ignore state law and the U.S. Constitution to change the voting rules right before an election? Rules guaranteed to make the process more susceptible to fraud?

If you, as a progressive, answered no to more than a few of these questions then you should reevaluate the party you support and the people that surround you. All of the above questions are about events surrounding the recent Presidential election. An election that was rife with fraud and malfeasance. A yes answer from you means that you are aware this election was in no shape or form above board. You should be willing to support any and all efforts to see this election was fair and honest. And be willing to accept to outcome whichever way it goes.

If you answered no to ANY of these questions, you should reevaluate your life. Look inside and try to figure out what makes you tick. If you are OK with any of the above you have morality issues. By any means necessary is not always a good way to live your life. If you persevere through difficult times and struggles with determination and focus, that is good. But if you are willing to look the other way (or even abet) when events occur that should trigger your outrage, then your moral compass is much more than just a bit off. It is malfunctioning.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I agree with you....I am so po'd but don't know what to do but call all the butt heads in government and tell them what I think of them...
    Love from NC
