
Saturday, January 16, 2021

Some Thoughts About 6 Jan

Many of the thoughts here are composites of other folks across the internet and blogosphere. The thoughts are my own, but I freely admit seeing and using many sources as inspiration.

How do Republicans and Trump benefit from what happened at the Capitol building? Nearly everyone of us conservatives know, beyond a shadow of doubt, the media and progressives will bend over backwards to portray us as any kind of lunatics. We make every effort to ensure we exercise our right to free speech and to peaceably assemble in a manner to reflects well. Burning buildings, violent assaults, are not in our best interests. That is the arena of progressives. Can any of you honestly say you are aware of any conservative focused protests that turned violent to this level? Of course, many progressives will say words are violent, so anything a conservative says that a progressive disagrees with will be considered conservative violence perpetrated by a conservative. For you I say boohoo.

Lets compare movements from the not so distant past. Most of you remember the Tea Party movement as well as the Occupy "Something" movement. Both had large gatherings in several locations during that time. Both had keynote speakers that kept the crowds enthralled. Both had music and famous folks. But this where the similarities end. Not a single Tea Party gathering devolved, while the Occupy people burned buildings, assaulted outsiders and innocents. Tea Party gatherings left the locations cleaner than when they arrived while Occupy left devastation in its wake.

Funny how all of the reporting about the violence, vandalism, and assault he did from Portland and Seattle caused barely a meh from the media and progressives. Yet when Andy Ngo reports that the violence from the Capitol building was not caused by antifa, he is suddenly your go to reporter on the scene.

If the people who committed these acts are indeed Trump supporters, I have no qualms about calling them out, wanting their arrests, and for them to spend time in jail.

You ever notice how democrats NEVER condemn violence, unless it can be tied to a political enemies. Yet Republicans condemn it, even before they know the full story. Yes, I'm talking to you Lindsey Graham.

Does anyone find it interesting that as time has worn on and folks dig deeper into what happened on 6 January, it is becoming more and more apparent that not only was antifa involved, but there appears to have some serious advanced planning. Citing two possible examples of possible outside influences. The guy carrying out the lecturn, smiling to the camera, wearing a MAGA hat has possibly been seen in photos taken at BLM and antifa rallies. The most famous bubba, the guy in the horned hat and furry robe has also been identified as a possible supporter of the groups who did so much damage this past summer. I don't have proof, and neither do those sources who have pointed out the possibilities, so it is nothing more than conjecture at this time.

One interesting point that has been discussed by a few is the timeline. The media narrative is that Trump's speech was so over the top, suggesting violence. Yet if one delves into the timing of events it becomes apparent that his speech and the break in occurred nearly simultaneously. It is a 40 minute walk from the area where the freedom crowd had gathered to the steps of the Capitol building, yet the first "break ins" happened only a few minutes after,his speech was over.

I think the biggest lie being told right now by the media and progressives is that if the people who had stormed the building had been black or brown, then there would have been multiple arrests. For months rioters, many of whom were black and brown, tried to break in to, burn down, and vandalize federal buildings in several cities. Yet, hardly any arrests and certainly not a 35 year old mother and veteran gunned down.

Where was former VP Biden call for rule of law when our inner cities were being burned to the ground last summer? I guess it just depends on who's doing the burning. Oh, sure, he make a feable attempt when the polls showed he was doing well on this issue. But it was nothing like the firey rhetoric he's been spouting in recent days.

Wow, are the media a bunch of hypocrites or what? Last summer; crickets or out an out lies. 6 January; a bunch of anarchists and violent protesters. Explain why riots were good all last summer, but now they are bad.

Hypocrisy rules the day. How come the media and the left (I know, one in the same), are having an absolute field day calling thise who stormed the Capitol building every name in the book. Yet have refused to call out those who burned inner cities to the ground, murdered those who stood in their way, and made areas nearly uninhabitable. Hypocrites each and every one of you.

I can't get over how the media and the left have portrayed all Trump supporters with a very broad brush as traiters, thugs, and violent protesters. There were 100s of thousands of people at the Washington monument rally. The violence was caused by a very small number. Kinda like the protests this past summer and fall.

Look up the Twitter account of Paul Sperry. There is a thread regarding perpetrators of violence and what happened at the Capitol building.

Now you've become all righteous. Where were you during the summer and fall when the "mostly peacefull protesters" were buring down the inner cities?

Just like Charlottesville, the media is doing their level best to portray Trump and his supporters in a very bad light. And just like Charlottesville, it is almost entirely based on lies, half-truths, and serious innuendo.

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